Sunday, April 2, 2017

Santa Margarita River Trail

On March 4, we went for a hike on the Santa Margarita River Trail. We went once before when Ever was about two. We've multiplied since then. First we checked out a trail on the other side of the road, but we didn't get far before we decided it was a no-go.

As we hit the regular trail, we debated taking the stroller. We had forgotten the second baby carrier, so without the stroller, Bear would have to walk. Some people told us the trail was rocky and washed out and not stroller-friendly, but we decided to try it anyway. I ran back and fetched it. We very quickly discovered that the trail, indeed, is not doable with a stroller, and we ditched it. That meant the going was slow. Bear actually wanted to walk rather than be carried most of the way. 

Serial killer Bear:

Silly Bear:

Bear liked looking for leaves and other things:

Jim and Ever took a side trip up some boulders:

Tyna refused to sleep for the longest time but finally couldn't take it anymore:

Bear started trying to hike her pants up as high as she could:

As we were hiking, we had the idea to try to meet up with Nanny and Papa for dinner since we were in their neck of the woods. I texted Nanny, and they met us in Bonsall for a spontaneous meal at Village Pizza, which was very fun. 


Anna said...

Start 'em young and you will reap the rewards later. Good job.

Courtney said...

What Anna said (I assume). Love that you're teaching them young.

Bill Hastings said...

Good goin'!