Thursday, April 6, 2017

Conference Weekend / Wrenzy Turned 2

The Saturday of general conference weekend was disrupted by baby showers. I was supposed to attend one for my old roommate, Greta, in Costa Mesa at 11:30 and then one for a ward member, Kimberly Walker, in Oceanside at 2:00 P.M. I spent time Friday night and Saturday morning preparing a veggie tray and making cupcakes to contribute to the shower for Kimberly. (My master plan was to save half the cupcakes for Wren's birthday. We didn't need a whole batch for the birthday festivities, so I wanted to get rid of some at the shower.) Saturday morning we had conference on, but I couldn't focus very well on account of the food prep. I dropped the food at Melanie Karner's (where Kim's shower was being held) on my way to Greta's. I was really late leaving because of the food prep and the fact that I had to take all the girls with me. (Jim was on backup call, which meant he probably wouldn't have to work but had to be able to go in right away if called. Thus, I couldn't get a babysitter, and I couldn't leave the kids. It was very unfortunate.) Then there was traffic, of course. Greta got teary when she saw me, which was nice and made me glad I went. I realized rather immediately that I needed to prioritize Greta's shower and stay for a bit. After all, we've known each other for almost 20 years. We stayed until she was a good way through present opening. I spent most of the event dealing with children - changing two dirty diapers, helping them with food, cleaning them up, catching vomit (Tyna had a serious barfing episode while Greta was opening my gift), trying to get them (Wren) to stop crying, etc. They were all so tired, and Wren just melted down before we left. It was rough. Then there was insane traffic on the way home. The last 23 miles took about a million years. Tyna was hungry and tired and just screamed the last stretch. Obviously I missed Kimberly's shower entirely, which was fine. Not the most relaxing general conference Saturday, but it was nice to see and support Greta.

On Sunday Paul, Susan, Luc, and Amelie came over and went for a walk with us between sessions. We took the path down to the grassy park area by Rancho del Oro. It was a pretty, warm day.

Ever by the flowers, and a very small Luc at the top of the hill: 

We picnicked at the park:

Luc, Amelie, and Ever used teamwork to carry and hoist a giant stick to hit the branches of this tree:

After we got back to the house, Jim and I put all the girls to bed and watched the afternoon session of conference. 

We had Nanny and Papa over for Wren's birthday festivities that evening. (Jeremy and Trish ended up not being able to come.) We had a very modest dinner of crockpot beef and broccoli, which, turned out, was probably only enjoyed by Nanny and Papa. Then we sang, had cupcakes, and opened presents.

We gave Bear the doll we were going to give her for Christmas but didn't because she didn't show enough interest in her presents. (It's the same doll Ever got for her birthday.) Now they can play together. We also gave her a tricycle (hence the helmet), which Ever commandeered and rode around the house for a few days. Nanny gave her a pillow and quilt she made, along with a stuffed rabbit. It was a lovely gift by Nanny and also wonderful to have them join us to celebrate.

I need to start writing about the girls on their birthdays to capture what they are like at each age. So Wren at two: she's a tiny little thing - taller than average, I think, but light. I'm pretty sure she's weighed 22 pounds forever. She adores both her sisters; she mimics Ever and dotes on Tyna. She's no pushover and will fight for what she thinks is hers. She learned to say "thank you" early on, and she says it all the time, unprompted, in the sweetest little voice. She's also good at "you're welcome" (or just "welcome"). Often I say, "Good job, Bear," and she responds, "Welcome." She's a good helper, and she's good at cleaning up. Sometimes she puts things away after she's done playing with them without my asking. An illustration: I was doing the breakfast dishes yesterday while Wrenzy was playing with the Frozen matching game on the table. Out of nowhere, she said, "Thank you," drawing out the "a" how she does. I didn't know why she said it, but then she continued, "Thank you wash the bib." (I was washing her bib at the time.) I didn't know she was even aware of what I was doing. It was the sweetest thing. Then I brushed her hair, and - possibly because of the very positive response she'd received to the bib thing - she said, "Thank you brush the hair." To really put it over the top, she proceeded to clean up the matching game by herself, without being asked, and put it away (I showed her which drawer). My joy was full.

She often uses past tense, like "I wanted to get up" or "I wanted to brush." Sometimes it's present tense, though: "I make a big mess." She's constantly asking, "What dis, Mom?" or "Who dat?" or "Why?" She knows a million words but never, ever, ever says the word "yes." She answers every question by saying "no" or by repeating all or a portion of the question. Jim's been trying to run the Roomba every night after we put the kids to bed, so she tells me, "Daddy come home, turn Moomba on." She's terrified of the Roomba and will rush into my arms if he turns it on when she's around. She is my mini-me, and she has a tongue thrust as I did. She likes reading. At bed we read a book (unless she loses the privilege by being uncooperative during bedtime preparations), and then I ask her what song she wants to sing. She says, "Jesus Wants a Bean-Bean." (We call hair bands and green beans "bean-beans," so somehow "sunbeam" became "bean-bean.") When I finish "Jesus Wants a Bean-Bean," she says, "I want 'Temple,'" referring to "I Love to See the Temple." She's feisty and funny, and everything out of her mouth is the cutest thing I've ever heard. It's like Sting's line "every little thing she does is magic" was written about Wrenzy. 


Anna said...

She's so great! Can't believe she is 2 already.

Courtney said...

She's so great. Love her constant gratitude. And her muscle T. Well done on that kid.

Bill Hastings said...

She's a cutie!!