Saturday, April 1, 2017

Ever Teaches Herself to Ride a Bike and Tie Shoes

At the end of February, Ever decided she wanted the training wheels off her bike. Jim obliged, and he took her outside for a little while. Then she practiced by herself on the concrete strip behind the house for a couple days when she had time. After that, she was a pro:

I thought learning to ride a bike was a hard thing and a big deal, something that involved a lot of parental involvement. Not for this self-starter. She was tenacious and amazing.

A couple weeks after that, I was outside with the littles. I heard Ever call from inside, "I tied my shoe!" I didn't think anything of it. I assumed she wrapped the shoelace around a bit and fake-tied it as kids do. A few minutes later, she came out with both shoes perfectly tied. I was shocked. I know a long time ago (like more than a year) I tried to show her once or twice how to tie a shoe, but there had been no lessons anytime recently. When we grilled her about how she learned, she said she watched someone do it. That's not normal, right? 


Anna said...

Where there is will there is a way! Go Ever.

Courtney said...

So not normal, in the best way possible.

Bill Hastings said...

The girls are brilliant!