Sunday, April 16, 2017

The Beginning of April

One of the best things Tyna does right now is this amazing scrunch-face smile. The full-blown scrunch is rather unattractive (but so cute at the same time). I haven't captured it yet, but this is a mild version:

One morning after the girls got up, they camped out on the floor of Wrenzy's room:

Wrenzy perfected her hair styling skills:

Tyna continued the cuteness:

Sometimes when I'm on the train home on Tuesday nights, Jim texts me pictures like this:

We hosted the big play date during spring break and had Ella, Ashton, and Luc over. Within a half hour, Ashton was totally bored and didn't mind telling me so. He asked repeatedly when his mom was coming and by the end was counting down the minutes. (Apparently he's into electronics, which I don't provide.) Luc mostly played Legos by himself, and that was sad. Ella and Ever really just wanted to be alone so they could play dress up. I kept everyone happy and busy very briefly with popcorn:

Ashton left a little early, much to his relief. Ever then had the bright idea to offer Luc money to play dress up. He agreed. Ella and Ever donned princess dresses, and Luc played their "princess dog." They all seemed to have a good time. When it was time for Luc to leave, he asked for his dollar, and Ever said she'd only offered a nickel. I was not involved in the negotiations; Ever had just popped her head in my room after Ashton left and said, "I paid Luc to play dress up." Anyway, Luc accepted the nickel, so a crisis was averted. 

Jim decided we needed to step up our family home evenings. so after a lesson on the sacrament last week (Ever chose the topic), we took Ever's bike and Wren's trike out for a spin. The evening was lovely, and Wren was so cute on her first real tricycle ride. She can't quite reach the pedals, so after one of the pedals hit her dangling foot, Jim had her put her feet up on the front of the trike. I couldn't get a clear picture on account of the movement.

We ditched the vehicles and walked a short way on the trail to the back of our house, too. I am never outside, especially in the evening, since I'm always trying to get the girls fed and to bed. It felt so good to be out - until we got home and the tired girls melted down and tried to ruin FHE night. It's really hard when your kids need to go to bed so early. I don't know how other people do activities and keep their kids up late all the time.

Tyna is starting to try to pull up on things, and she can get up on the stair in our entryway:

So far she hasn't nose-dived off the other side yet, but I know that moment is coming soon.


Courtney said...

Evening walks are delightful. Love lil Wrenzy on her trike.

Bill Hastings said...

Nice they have such fun together.