Monday, November 13, 2023

Olympic National Park Road Trip, July 2022 - Trail of Ten Falls

We were making our way south now. We said goodbye to our motel with a nice view of a river, but not before the girls spent some time making a bridge between the beds with their bodies so the others could walk over them. Fun tims.  

We hiked the the seven-mile Trail of Ten Falls in Silver Falls State Park in Oregon on Wednesday. It had been a highlight on our last Oregon trip. It remains incredible, of course, although hiking it in the blazing middle of the day was definitely less glorious for me than last time, when we hit in the afternoon and had that lovely soft light.  During the first portion of the hike, I photographed as much sister love (the carrying and the hand-holding, the latter of which was my very favorite) as I did waterfalls.  

Wrenzy is not a hand-holder (or an affectionate creature at all) most of the time, so this was really lovely. 

Tiny weighed down her pockets with a million little rocks. That girl. 

We lunched at the cafe at the far end of the loop (where we'd gotten treats last time). 

Last time the girls voted to continue past the starting point to finish out the last little finger (maybe a half-mile roundtrip) to the tenth waterfall. This time when we reached the parking lot, they just wanted to be done. I wanted to finish it, though, and ultimately everyone went (with much drama). The last waterfall isn't amazing, but I don't like quitting before the end. 

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Olympic National Park Road Trip, July 2022 - Hurricane Ridge and Seattle

Tuesday, July 12, we went up to Hurricane Ridge first thing and walked the trails pictured in this sign. It was totally glorious.  

We saw deer straightaway. They were bold.

My old friend from L.A., Kim Atchley, lives with her family in Poulsbo, across Puget Sound from Seattle. I'd corresponded with her and hoped to get together, but we weren't able to make it happen. She said they love taking the ferry from Bainbridge Island to Seattle, so we did that (driving through Poulsbo on the way, which was such a bummer). The drive to Bainbridge Island was beautiful. The ferry ride was great but so incredibly cold. We did not have enough clothes.  

Tiny made a real mess of herself with a Luna Bar.

In Seattle, we walked through Pike Place and saw some fish throwing. Across the street, we saw Three Girls Bakery. Of course because it was named after our girls, Jim had to buy a bunch of pre-dinner treats (which were underwhelming, as bakery treats so often are). 

We found the gum wall.

We picked a restaurant at Pike Place for dinner. It was not great. 

After Pike Place, we went to Mercer Island to see Aunt Leslie and Uncle Clyde. Their house is incredible - especially the view. Aunt Leslie gave us ice cream bars, lemonade, and other treats, and the girls had fun playing out on the courts below the house. We had a nice visit and then headed out to our hotel.