Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Name Game

I always loved that Mamo's Christmas letters included the nicknames we kids had been using for one another that year, and I thought I should keep a record of Ever's nicknames.  This will prove to be a difficult task, as they evolve daily, but here is what we've called her during her first four months: 

Everdeen (thank you, The Hunger Games)
Dolly Girl
Sweet Georgia Brown
Rue (from Dolly-Roo, but spelling inspired by The Hunger Games*)
Rudy Tunes
Rooney Tunes
Little/Lil' Miss
Lil' Rue
Helen (inspired by my days in The Miracle Worker, often used while we're talking in Irish accents)

That's all I can think of at the moment, although I know the above list is not comprehensive.  The "Tunes" names were the least used.  "Helen" was oft-used for a while but seems to have seen its heyday.  "LaRue" is my favorite today, but who knows what tomorrow holds?   

I suppose it goes without saying that we never call her "Ever," and it's not clear how she will learn her name.

*No, I am not obsessed with The Hunger Games.  Someone mentioned the name "Everdeen" to me, so I started calling her that before I had read the book.  Then I read it, and when I called her "Dolly-Roo," I pictured the spelling "Rue" because of that character.


Anna said...

I'm thinking that you need to give credit to Thomas Hardy who's heroine Bathsebe Everdeen is probably the Hunger Games inspiration.

Bill Hastings said...

It's a wonder anyone in this family ever knows who's being addressed! (I get it -- Ever's being addressed.)

Courtney said...

Amazing. I love the nickname thing. Passionately. And as long as she figures it out by the time she starts kindergarten, we're good.