Monday, July 17, 2023

March 2022 - Wrenzy's Birthday & Other Happenings

The lady who lives three houses up the street got chickens, and she lets them roam all over. They like to poop on our driveway, so we are not fans. 

Tiny got a nosebleed while having her after-school snack. But what's really noteworthy about the following picture is how incredibly dirty she is when she gets home from kindergarten. I don't think anyone else in America gets this dirty during recess. Also I enjoyed how she had well-placed dirt in her eyebrows, so it almost looked like makeup.

Tiny being Tiny when she's tired and impossible:

Some people hated masks during the pandemic. People pulled their kids out of school because they thought it was unconscionable to make them wear masks (and schools required them). Meanwhile Wrenzy wore her mask during family game night just for funsies.  

Later she paired rainbow pants with a rainbow shirt for a real St. Patty's Day-appropriate outfit. 

Ever got braces!

We went back to Big Bear with Sam and his girls. Berry played with a super-loose tooth. 

We parked in the lot by the Alpine Zoo and took a shuttle to the ski area. As we were getting on the shuttle, Sam realized he had forgotten something and rushed back to the car. We went on without him, and he caught the next shuttle. We arrived at Bear Mountain and realized we had gotten on the wrong shuttle; we were trying to go to Snow Summit. We had to get off, wait for Sam, and get a Snow Summit shuttle. After we got off at Bear Mountain, Jim realized he had left his gloves on the shuttle. Ultimately we recovered them. I think the shuttle we had ridden was the same one that brought Sam, and Jim's gloves were still on it. Anyway, it was quite a fiasco. Once Sam arrived, we had to wait a long time for a shuttle to Snow Summit. It was a tough start to the day. 

Ever passed out on the couch after we got back from skiing. 

Wrenzy turned seven. She got a wand, books, a dragon from Tutu, and I forget what else. Nothing huge. 

We invited Luc and Amelie for deep-dish pizza and a chocolate cake with a not-super-sweet whipped frosting. 

The Littles climbed trees while Ever was in gymnastics class. 

Sister Latteier gave us pizzelles for Christmas. They are kind of like waffle-cone cookies. The girls - especially Ever - loved them. I told Sister Latteier that Ever would love it if she taught her how to make them, so Sister Latteier had us over. She had all the ingredients ready to go. She'd also made a bunch of fresh rolls. The girls took turns helping make the pizzelle batter and then the pizzelles. We feasted on rolls and pizzelles, and Sister Latteier sent us home with both, too. She is the sweetest. She told us about her childhood in Vietnam and about raising her kids. If I were half as kind, generous, patient, and hardworking as she is, I'd be in good shape. She's amazing.  

The only awkward part was when Michael (her son and Jim's med school friend/roommate) called when I was there, and Sister Latteier asked if he'd like to talk to me and then, before he really answered, put me on the phone with him. Good thing Michael is super nice like his mom.  

Ever and Tiny started spring soccer (low-key, six-Saturday thing). Wrenzy climbed a tree while we waited.  

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