Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Beginning of February

On Saturday, February 1, Ever performed in her first piano recital. She was very excited about the prospect of performing. She got nervous when the day came, but she did great. My phone took the worst video  in the history of videos, but at least she is audible.

On Sunday after church, I looked out the window and saw Wrenzy like this, dangling from the wall and watching Nathan and Noah:

Wrenzy asked me for a braid. After I did it, she said she wanted it to go around her head (like a crown braid). I said I didn't have the time or know-how for that. So she fixed it up herself.

I found this  in some papers Ever brought home from school. It appears the obsession with eating is being passed on to the next generation.

I took the girls cookie selling. It was not the most successful day, but we tried.

Tiny is a ham.

Tiny was singing Frozen, and I was amazed at how well she knew the words. I started to film her, and she stopped singing and started dancing. I was watching baby Tommy (Stephanie Hand's son) at the time, and he needed me. I got frustrated with Tiny because I just wanted her to continue singing as she had been, and quickly, so I could deal with Tommy. That is the reason I, regrettably, sound super mean in this first video. 

Wrenzy got really sick. Again. Because this winter was terrible to us. 

While I stayed home with Wren on Saturday, February 8, Jim took Ever and Tiny out around Paul and Susan Oddou's neighborhood to sell cookies. Jim and Ever were absolutely insane about cookie selling this year. They wanted to sell, sell, sell and make sure Ever beat all the other Girl Scouts. This day, they went door to door for seven hours. They started around 9:00 A.M. As the morning wore on, Jim called and said they were out of change (which never happened before or since), so I had to drag Wren to the bank and go meet them. Of course by the time I got there, they had been paid in small bills by a number of people and no longer needed change. But by that time, they were running low on some types of cookies, and it was lunchtime and they needed to be refueled. I went to Marin's to pick up a bunch more cookies, drove through McDonald's, and went to restock and feed them. 

Luc Oddou's birthday party was at 4:00 P.M. that day. The cookie sellers sold all the way until the party started and then some. I got a text around 4:00 saying they had to sell like six more boxes and then would be there; they didn't want to stop until they got to 100 boxes. We met up outside Oddous' house, and I took Ever and Tiny into the party while Jim took sick Wren home.  

Tiny had another ortho appointment on Monday the 10th to take off cast no. 2.

After they removed it, she kept holding her arm out in front of her. She said her arm felt funny, but I don't know why she had to hold it out, since it's not like she held her arm like that when it was in the cast.

The x-ray this time revealed that her thumb, although not entirely healed, had made sufficient progress for us to go cast-free to Hawaii on Wednesday. Thank heavens! 

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