Monday, September 9, 2019

Mother's Day

On Mother's Day, Ever and I made a lemon bundt cake. I had told her a couple weeks before that we could have lemon bundt cake for our FHE treat. Big mistake on my part. I ended up not being able to get it made that night and then not being able to get it made on our next treat night, either. She lost her mind (even though substitute treats were given) and threw a giant fit, and so I said no treats at all for two weeks. The two weeks ended (and were not really entirely treat-free), and then Mother's Day was our opportunity to make the coveted bundt cake. We went to the ranch with the Wilsons that night and were able to share it with them.

Ever had made me a beautiful box for my beautiful Mother's Day necklace.

I enjoyed sweet notes from her and Wrenzy.

This year's "All About Mom" was a bit more accurate than last year's, although I don't like to cook, don't always love what I make (unless it's treats), and almost never nap. But if you sub "bake" for "cook," it's pretty good, and I'm guessing that's what Ever was thinking about.

Wren's signature:

It was fun to see the Wilsons at the ranch that night. The TV was on (as always), so the girls became glued for a time.

Trisha insisted on taking a picture of the girls and me, and I'm so glad she did. Man, do I love these three! They are the sweetest, funniest, most adorable and wondrous little beings.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Sorry Ever inherited our feelings about treats. It's tough. But that cake looks delightful. And that pic of you and the girls needs to be framed. They really are marvelous little people.