Sunday, September 29, 2019

Favorite Books, Swimming, Typing, New Shower, Enjoying Nature, and S'mores

I asked Wrenzy what her favorite book was, and she answered in a funny voice.

We were reading James and the Giant Peach at the time and had just finished George's Marvellous Medicine before that. So apparently her favorite books are the ones most recently read.

The week school got out, Cikaneks' pool was warm enough for us to start swimming in. The girls got in twice that week. Scott rigged the slide from the playset up onto the palm tree next to the pool, which was a little sketchy but fun.

Wrenzy shooting her water gun while Scott threw her:

Those first couple times, I put Tiny in her floaty so I didn't have to get in. Soon I learned that she was capable of going in all by herself sans floaty (staying near the side of the pool).

The girls also swam at Leela and Rafi's. 

As soon as school got out, Ever begged to learn typing. I googled typing programs for kids, and for a few (several?) days, she was obsessed with typing.

Jim finished our shower and took it for its maiden voyage. Although it felt weird to take pictures of him in the shower, I thought it had to be done. It looks beautiful, and he was so very happy to finish it.

Sunday afternoon, Tiny opened the french doors and planted herself just inside them. She said, "Mom, I'm jut enjoying the beautiful outside. It's so beautiful."

Jim made a fire (in June, but fires are justified anytime it's cloudy, right?), and the girls enjoyed s'mores on chocolate graham crackers.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

That shower is amazing! Bravo! I can't wait to see the whole remodel. Your children are amazing. I'm so jealous of the water safety level of all of your children.