Thursday, July 11, 2019

Oregon in April, Part 2: Columbia River Gorge

On Monday, April 8, we hit some highlights in the Columbia River Gorge. But first, we found an REI and spent a long time there shopping for rain jackets for all and hiking shoes for me (which didn't really work out because of my foot deformations, but I tried so hard). We'd tried a Walmart on Saturday, but they didn't carry rain jackets for anyone or rain ponchos for kids. We gave REI a lot of money, but I don't think we would have survived this trip without the jackets.  It didn't stop raining until the last day. We would have been so very cold and wet every second of the day without them. 

Other than Multnomah Falls, I can't name any of the falls we saw in the gorge. It was all lovely.

In an effort to capture the waterfalls on the Washington side of the river, Jim took this bizarre zoomed-in picture that appears to feature an apparition walking on water. 

There were some washed-out areas.

We  thought it was really neat that we got to walk behind this waterfall. (Then on the last day of the trip, we did a lot more of that with way bigger waterfalls.)

At Multnomah, some weird things happened with Asian tourists. I put Tiny up on this rock wall, and then within seconds an Asian lady was taking pictures with her. I tried to get a picture of that but was too late:

Then somehow Wrenzy and one of the ladies from the Tiny incident ended up posing together in front of the falls.

Jim found us a gourmet ice cream place that night. Wren got an enormous ice cream cone, and I said, "You'll have to share some of that with me!" She meanly refused to share, which made me think she was very ungrateful, and I got really upset with her. I suppose I should be more understanding about the jealous guarding of treats.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

I want to go to that magical place with the double bridges. And walk behind waterfalls. I think we should both relocate to Oregon. The treat thing is a challenge - it's not right, but I totally understand it. The series of Jem and Tiny looking at a waterfall is amazing. And the Asian tourist thing is so weird and wonderful.