Sunday, July 14, 2019

Oregon in April, Part 3: Tillamook and Cape Meares

On Tuesday, April 9, we drove to Tillamook and then Cape Meares. Friends had told us the Tillamook factory was a highlight. It wasn't life-changing, but it was nice. The girls practiced feeding and milking cows.

It was fun to see inside the factory.

The girls loved the cheese samples, and Ever was instantly obsessed with the cheddar jack. Jim bought a package of it to take with us. Then we ate lunch there and topped it off with nine different ice creams, I believe. It was classic Jim over-ordering, and it was way too much. I ate and ate even though I didn't even want it, and we still had to throw some away. I decided that although Tillamook seems like a very nice company, and I believe they probably have some good fruity flavors, they don't have any flavors involving chocolate that really knock my socks off. I hate to say that, but it's true.

Jim saw the picture below and said, "Why is Wrenzy sitting on a different table?"

The coast was beautiful.

We had a hard time finding the hike to the Cape Meares lighthouse that we wanted to do. Ended up exploring a very wet and muddy trail that one man told us we couldn't do with kids.

I sensed nice views up ahead, but we finally turned around because it was getting late.

Tiny wanted to pick all the flowers she saw, and there were millions of them.

We made a quick side trip to the Octopus Tree.

We were disappointed to learn that the lighthouse was closed, so we just took pictures outside.

We got a bit lost in an interesting lagoony/coastal area that I didn't get pictures of, and then we drove south to a hotel for the night.


Anna said...

Tilamook mudslide is the very top of our list of the best.

Courtney said...

It just looks magical. And Anna is correct - I'm sad that you guys ordered improperly. We LOVE Tillamook, and we eat like a gallon a day when we're in Boise. Tillamook mudslide is where it's at. Udderly Chocolate is also worth it. And the strawberry as well as several other berry flavors are delightful (and you know how I feel about non-chocolate ice cream).