Sunday, December 30, 2018

Virginia: Harper's Ferry & Going Home

Thursday, October 4, we went to Harper's Ferry. It's quite a quaint, lovely place, and John Brown is fascinating.

Ever tries to climb everything.

I got this shot before Tiny started trying to climb up the side (guess it runs in the family):

It was unseasonably warm, so the little ladies were red-faced.

Jefferson Rock.

More climbing.

Wrenzy and Tiny got into a deep conversation, and then something really shocking happened.

Jim loved this picture in the John Brown Museum:

We had the museum to ourselves for the first little while, and it was really nice to be able to let the kids run free.

We crossed the bridge and walked briefly on the Appalachian Trail by the river.

I wished we could keep going and going, but we were short on time and had to hurry back. As we returned to the car, the clouds rolled in and created a fun sky that my phone did not capture.

Friday we traveled home. Coco, of course, sent us off with bellies full of Nutella waffles. Tiny was a big fan (as was everyone else, but I only got pictures of Tiny).

Big E played some Solitaire on the plane.

Good travelers, all. Love that they can haul their own stuff now.

Tiny is our happy-go-lucky lunatic.

It was a wonderful week that went way too quickly!


Anna said...

Looks like a fantastically wonderful trip!

Courtney said...

So fun to have you here. COME BACK. John Brown is totally nuts. So jealous that your little people can pull their own weight around the airport. Also - it appears that you guys get the carts? I think we're doing airports wrong.