Saturday, June 30, 2018

Other April Things

Ever's front tooth got super loose and super jacked up. It was twisted, pushed in, bleeding, and causing her pain and emotional distress on the way home from church. I sort of jokingly suggested asking Kristi Rondo to pull it. (She has much experience and actually pulled Ever's first tooth.) Ever said she trusted Kristi more than Jim, so I texted Kristi, who obliged. Before:

After (outside Rondos' house):

Ever left another note for the Tooth Fairy. The Tooth Fairy didn't respond since her last response hadn't gone over very well.

Two very fancy ladies helped me cook.

Wrenzy and Tiny played a game while eating that consisted of putting their heads way back, then coming up and giggling. 

Tiny was an uncooperative shopping partner.

Kristi Rondo's dad is running for something, and the Carlsbad strawberry fields held a fundraiser for him. All proceeds that day went to his campaign. Kristi was supposed to watch Wren that morning (we'd been trading off playdates on Thursdays) and offered to take her. I somehow failed to respond to multiple texts from Kristi to tell her Wren could go with them, so I ended up having to take my littles myself. It was good
I should support Kristi's dad anyway. Plus all these years in Oceanside, and we'd never picked strawberries.

These are nothing exciting, but they give a taste of Tiny (and her tongue thrust). She was obsessing about Mommy's and Daddy's water bottles one day.

One day Tiny was in her high chair, and neither Jim nor I had put her in it. We assumed Ever had somehow done it, but she adamantly denied it. We were very confused. Then later I saw Tiny drag a chair next to her high chair and climb in. Mystery solved.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

I can't wait to see them!!! The twins are so wonderful together. Having to pull teeth seems like the worst. And Tiny's proud face/her voice in general are the best.