The "Happy Birthday" song was pretty great. It went, "Happy birthday, dear BK/Tyna/Arden." The Wilsons still call her "BK" for Baby Kringel. (That's how they referred to her throughout the pregnancy.) Jim and I said "Tyna." Then I added "Arden" because it seemed as if I should throw in her real name.
Tiny Tot is the sweetest little thing. We love her snuggles, her cheeks, and her babble (lots of "dada," "mama," and "nana" sounds). "Couch time" is her favorite - when we put her on the couch and let her roll, crawl, and cruise around. She gets crazy and giggly, and she totally loves it. We have to be very careful lest she fall/dive off. Bath time with her is rough because she's up and down and back and forth and generally uncontrollable. She's getting quite a little personality. Before long she'll be keeping up with her sisters, who adore her.
Wow ! That went fast!!! She's so cute.
She's so amazing. Crazy that she's already one.
The time is flying by!
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