Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Mostly Mini Golf, Turning Yellow, and the Last Day of TK

I took the girls out for Baskin Robbins one night. Papa would have been proud.

Once in a blue moon, I go shopping with the girls. On one Target trip, Wrenzy got touchy, and Tyna wanted to stand. Cute, but not ideal.

We went on a nice family run behind Sage Creek High School. This was probably the last one we did before Jim tore his Achilles later in the month. It was particularly memorable because the stroller I was pushing (containing Tyna) and I completely fell over. Ever and Wren like when Jim goes fast and crazy over bumps. I was trying to follow him, but my single stroller was less stable. It just tipped right over. Jim turned around when I yelped and saw me lying down with the stroller on its side. No one was injured.

Ever made a comment about how we never do anything fun for the kids. She is correct. Our friends are out doing kiddie activities all the time - Disneyland, swimming pool, park, zoo, Sea World, Legoland, etc. We never do anything besides family runs, which apparently don't count. So I took Ever mini golfing. She passionately loved it, and I thoroughly enjoyed going out with her. She's delightful, although she did refuse to take any direction from me on mini golf technique.

Wrenzypoo-lovey was briefly obsessed with The Pledge of Allegiance. (Tongue thrust on full display.)

Tyna turned yellow. I noticed that she was kind of tan, with a yellow tone to her skin, and I thought it was nice that she was dark. I thought it was the Native American coming out in her. Then we took her to a baptism, and she looked really, really yellow at the church. Other people noticed. We started worrying she had jaundice. Turns out it was just harmless carotenemia. Almost all of her baby food was yellow/orange - squash, sweet potatoes, carrots, peaches. One of the few green foods she was eating - green beans - is also rich in carotene and contributes to carotenemia. 

Ever's TK class had a little end-of-year celebration. It began and ended with a slideshow of pictures of the kids through the year. 

The kids each said something they learned.

Then they performed some songs. This was probably my favorite:

This was a close second simply because of the violence with which the kids performed the your friends/my friends part:

Missy was so demure up there.

We love Mrs. Reese! 

Ever made this card for Mrs. Reese all by herself. It made me weep a little bit. "You're the best teacher in the whole world. I love you so much. I will miss you." (Except with her amazing spelling.) And then she labeled the tree, clouds, sky, and flowers. So great.

Kristi Rondo was doing some cutesy "thank you for helping me grow" succulents for her kids' teachers and offered to make one for Ever. It seemed too lame to let someone else make our end-of-year gift, so Ever and I did a ghetto version. She wanted to do all the writing herself.

We also gave Mrs. Reese a treat and a Target gift card, and I felt good about our offerings. She gave Ever such a great start. I'm so grateful for dedicated teachers.


Courtney said...

One-on-one child dates seem really important. And family runs totally count as fun things (until you fall over and try to hurt them). Super weird that Aardvark turned orange. And I think your teacher gift is nice and thoughtful. Well done.

Bill Hastings said...

Glad Wrenzo got my genes! Great pics & fun school songs.