Tiny's favorite things to eat are shoes and hair.
Sometimes the biggers play nicely together.

Tyna's been a delayed eater. We didn't start her on solids until late (like seven months). Then she choked (and sometimes threw up) when we fed her thicker baby foods, Puffs, and Mum-Mums. I never gave her table food because she couldn't even deal with the baby stuff I tried, and I didn't want her to die. I finally talked to her doctor about it and took her into occupational therapy. The occupational therapist was mostly nice, but she made me feel as if I'm the worst mom ever for not giving Tyna real food and letting her feed herself. She put a banana in front of her, and Tyna didn't go for it. The occupational therapist was like, "Oh, she doesn't even know what to do with it! Poor thing!" I tried to explain that she choked and threw up, so I figured she couldn't handle any more solid food. I did feel slightly vindicated when Tyna threw up in the office. The occupational therapist wanted me to do this at every meal: 1) have Tyna chew on a chew toy purchased on Amazon, 2) give her a big carrot or celery stick and let her chew on it (but make sure she doesn't get any big chunks off), 3) put the puree on her tray and let her play in it, and 4) feed her the puree. It was pretty apparent that I wasn't pleased about the suggestion, so the therapist asked if I could at least do that for one of her daily meals.
On the way home, I called Jim and told him about the appointment. He said I didn't do anything wrong; of course I wouldn't give her carrot sticks when she chokes on Puffs. He thinks the OT stuff is a bit of a crock. I do want Tiny to learn to eat, and it would be really nice if I could get her to eat a variety of things. I did the carrot/celery thing for a little while. She started getting big chunks off and choking on them, so I got scared. I let her play in her puree once.
I put little bits of puree on her tray a few more times than that, but I don't really understand the point.
We started trying more food with her, and she eats oatmeal every morning now. She sometimes does well with bananas, but she rejects pretty much all other fruits and vegetables. She does various bread products and other starchy foods. I'm sure I could use guidance on feeding her, even though she's made progress. I ended up canceling my follow-up appointments with OT, but maybe I should go back. It's an hour away and a big pain.
Tyna cruises a bit and sometimes pushes chairs.
Wren and Ever started singing some repetitive little diddy at the table one day, and Tyna joined in.
Tiny doesn't do a lot of tricks yet, but she has learned to clap.
One day I was in the kitchen, and Tyna was lying on the rug drinking her bottle. I thought her little legs and feet sticking out past the couch were my favorite thing.
I believe in Legos. So many toys don't get played with (for very long, anyway), but Legos are a worthwhile investment.
One night I was getting Wren ready for bed, and she suddenly pleaded to go outside. I somewhat reluctantly agreed. She went out and swung for maybe two minutes, wearing the cutest grin I've ever seen. Then she came right in without being called, apparently satisfied with her outdoor time.
Jim spent many, many, many hours building a triple bunk bed for the girls. He did it all in the garage, which meant everything in there was blanketed with a thick layer of dust.
Late-Saturday-night painting (because Ever wanted it white):
He finished it before he went on the Young Men's high adventure trip (backpacking in the Narrows) but didn't have time to install it.
He had a great time on the trip, although it was strenuous and hot. He returned on a Friday night. Saturday morning, he played basketball at the stake center and ruptured his Achilles. He proceeded to hobble around all weekend, even installing the girls' bunk bed on Saturday with the help of Tom Sorenson. It all turned out amazing, and the biggers were SO excited. Wrenny went without a mattress for a few days while it was on order.

She slept in there a few nights, but then she kept getting out of bed and walking around, reading books, talking to "Cee Cee" (sissy), etc. I always threatened that if she didn't settle down, stay in bed, and be quiet, I'd have to move her into the crib. So she'd start out in the bunk, and then I'd move her, and then she'd cry because she wanted to be back in the bunk. Eventually we did a long-term demotion. As I write this (in August), she's actually been sleeping pretty nicely in the bunk on a regular basis recently. My favorite is when I hear them wake up and start chatting in the morning, and then they come into our room together. I'm so pro room-sharing.
One Saturday, I let Ever skip her nap (yes, she still naps when the schedule allows) because she wanted to organize the playroom by herself. She put on a CD with instrumental hymns and hummed along to "Praise to the Man" as she cleaned. It was my favorite thing in the history of the world.
I love when Tyna goes into the playroom and plays by herself. Sometimes she spends extended periods of time in the play kitchen, and I love hearing her clank around in there.
We didn't do anything for Father's Day because I'm awful. Ever gave Jim a card she made. This is Jim being the amazing father he is in nursery at church on Father's Day. My girls could not have a better, more fun, loving, tender dad.
I took Tyna to a radiology appointment, where she was supposed to drink barium from a bottle while basically straight jacketed so that the doctor could see if there are any physiological reasons for her choking/vomiting. We arrived early, as requested, and hung out until 45 minutes after our appointment time. Tyna was a good sport until right around our appointment time.
Then it got not fun. She'd been fasting since the night before, so she was hungry and missing a nap. When we finally got in, she was understandably totally opposed to the procedure. There was a long struggle. I thought all was for naught and we were going to have to give up. Eventually the doctor was able to see what he needed to see, which was that she is fine but does have reflux. Her pediatrician ordered reflux medication, but I never picked it up because she started eating more and vomiting less.
Taylor, the Cal State San Marcos student who watches the girls on the day I work, did a fun art project with the girls one day. Ever really wanted to hang this up in her room, but I didn't know how to make that happen. She took this picture of it:
The girls took more swimming lessons from Tracy Zundel in the ward. Tracy is super unorganized, and we haven't finished the lessons for which I paid. Nonetheless, Ever got comfortable again in the water. Wren waited anxiously on day 1 for her turn.
Tyna, who is the sweetest, hung out in her car seat.
Wrenny's favorite thing is jumping in. She would do that the whole time if Miss Tracy would allow it. "I wanted to do it again!" she says the second she surfaces, every time.
We went to the fair. We found out the next day that Jim needed to be in a cast and shouldn't have been walking on his torn-Achilles leg. (He was hobbling around in a boot.) Whoops. Jim thinks since we almost never do big amusement park-type things with the kids, we should indulge when we do. So Ever got to ride all the rides. She seemed mostly unimpressed with the kiddie rides. She's ready for more exciting rides but isn't tall enough. I remember those days.