Bags was amazing. She was tireless. She needed to work on her final paper for her grad school class while she was here. I kept encouraging her to take time to work on it, but she put everything aside and did all she possibly could around here. She changed all the diapers, shopped for groceries, made all the food, cleaned, and took care of the kiddies so I could nap as much as possible. She could not have been more helpful. She's a chip off the Mamo block. I took advantage. In fact, I even had her double some of the recipes she made so that I could deliver the extra food to people in the ward who were sick or had also just had babies. They thought I was so nice. Sometimes I gave credit where credit was due.
Wren's first bath was hurriedly performed by Jim over the kitchen sink. Ever looked on:
I encouraged use of the newborn bathtub, but Jim just wanted to git 'er done. (In that first pic, he's trying to clean gunk out of her eye caused by a blocked tear duct.)
Later, Bags and I gave Wren her first real bath in the bathtub. She was amazing. Unlike Ever, who screamed the whole time during her early baths, Wren was very good and quiet. No crying.
Bags and I took lots of pictures of her sleeping (and stretching):
We introduced her to Gilmore Girls, but it was lost on her.
Best snuggler ever (note Bags's and my matching Friday Night Lights shirts):
One day Bags unswaddled Wrenzo and tried to get photos of her stretching. Wrenzo didn't really perform, but Bags got some nice pictures:
Ever has been all over Wrenzo since day 1. She adores her and is so sweet and gentle with her. She strokes her softly, calls her "sweetie," "sweetheart," and, for a time, "babe-uh" and "my baby," and gives her sweet kisses:
Bags captioned this one "Whitney and her girls." I love that I have "girls," plural:
Once in a while, Wrenzo was awake:
Wren was born with a freakishly strong neck:
Pretty much the only time I got out of the house when Coco was here was for a trip to Target with her and the girls:
Cereal was a little on sale. We were running low, so I took the opportunity to stock up. The cart looked hilarious. Wish I had a picture of it.
Ever found things to do in our many hours at home, such as bookkeeping with her cash register and about 1,000 post-its:
Bag Lady took her on a couple of walks/bike rides:
On Saturday, April 18, Christian, Shandra, Tristan and Betsy drove down (they just moved to Ventura) to spend some time with us and to participate in Wren's blessing. Ever loved playing with the cousins. She and Betsy were very cute together.
Besides the family, we just invited the Karners and the Wilsons (Jeremy, Trish, Karen, and Carl) for the blessing. Trisha was out of town with the kids, so Jeremy came solo. Since we didn't want to have to deal with food prep, we decided to order pizza and just make a salad and dessert. We told everybody 5:00 P.M. We figured we'd start the blessing at 5:15, and we ordered pizza to be delivered at 5:30. We thought we had it figured out perfectly. Jim was about a minute into the blessing when the doorbell rang. I figured the Pizza Hut delivery guy would just keep ringing if we ignored it, so I started to go to the door. Bags stopped me and went to deal with him. I was so distracted, listening to Bags and the pizza guy, that I had a hard time listening to the rest of the blessing. It was pretty much a disaster. I was so bitter that we had calculated exactly when we wanted the pizzas delivered and ordered accordingly, and then he showed up at least 10 minutes early! Bags came back into the room, and we started discussing the disaster. She got teary talking about how sad she was that she'd missed the blessing. That made me realize that it was really sad, and I was really sad, and then I started crying. We talked to Mel and Shandra about what they remembered from the blessing, and later I talked to Jim about his experience and what he remembered, too. Here's the recap:
Jim blessed Wren that she will prepare to serve a mission and that she will be the type of person to go to the temple to be married to a righteous brother. He blessed her to study the scriptures. He blessed her that our home would be a haven and that Wren will recognize the difference between our home and the world outside. He blessed her that she will follow her sister's example and be a joy to us. Jim said that during the blessing he had the impression that she will be really spiritual, and he felt she'll be righteous.
After we ate, we took a group photo courtesy of the timer on Bags's camera. Turns out the dress I wore was very unflattering.
Tristan leapt unto the coffee table in full-on silly mode for the second attempt, and Ever followed suit:
Bags took a few photos of the lady of the hour:
She wasn't a fan of the couch backdrop, so the photo session ended quickly:
We opened presents from Trisha and Dee and Shan. Everybody was so nice, and they gave us cute clothes for Wrenzo. Trisha also sent a "big sister" tool belt for Ever, complete with wipes, diapers, hand sanitizer, and goggles for those really big blow-outs. Pretty funny:
The Deetrixes stayed till Sunday midday. We gave Betsy her birthday presents early:
Tristan asked to hold Wren before they hit the road:
It was great to spend some time with the Deetrixes. We've spent so little time with them in recent years and are looking forward to seeing them more now that they are back in California.
Bags left the following Wednesday, April 22. She was sick for the last portion of her trip and went a few days without holding Wrenzo.* She was excited to be back in business the Tuesday before she left. I was so grateful for all of Bag Lady's help. Jim decided that when she has a baby, he has to take a week off of work so he can care for our kids while I go to return the favor. I'm afraid I'm too lazy ever to be of as much service as Bags was, but I'll have to try.
*For the record, "Wrenzo" is is the nickname we use most for the wee babe. Bags expanded it to "Lorenzo," which I had somehow not thought of. Jim also came up with "Rennifer." Sometimes it's "Wrenzo Lama" or "Lorenzo Lama" (after Lorenzo Lamas; I'm just not familiar enough with him to get it right), "Wrenny Pooh Bear," etc. So the nicknames are coming along.
Great post! Wish we could have been there. See you soon!
SO FUN. I want to come back and relive it all over again. And I'm so not as helpful as you describe, but glad I could be there. I love both of your girls and can't wait to come back. Also, thanks for not trying any harder to die in childbirth.
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