Thursday, October 11, 2012

Hastings Reunion in Ashton, ID - Part 4 (Keiki Games and Rafting)

Wednesday we took it easy and hung out at the house.  Mamo, Bags, and I tried to put together surreptiously the most hideous ice cream cakes you've ever seen (the hideous part wasn't on purpose) for Shandie's belated birthday, while Shandie kindly pretended not to know what we were doing.  "Ice cream cake" is a generous description.  It was just ice cream covered in crushed Oreos.  The monstrosities:

Then Mamo - the best tutu in all the world - organized games for the little people.  They raced while balancing eggs or rocks on spoons, played water balloons, and more.  Mamo is so cute with the kiddies.

Clarice played fair at first:

Then she started just completely holding on to her egg.  Her competition didn't mind:

Jim and I watched; Pod, not so much:

Operation Sneak More Water Balloons:

Rob and Pod went into town and bought rafts and inner tubes so we could float by our house. 

Originally we talked about taking Dolly, but then we decided against it since we didn't know what we were getting into.  I stayed back with her and was a very poor sport about it.  I pouted and complained like a spoiled child.  It was embarrassing, really.  I'm just not used to missing out on things.  I've spent a lot of years doing whatever I want.  I realize I have to get on board with this self-sacrifice-for-kids thing because that's going to be my life for years.  The good news is that Shandie and Betsy kept Chava and me company while the others walked down to the river and floated for an hour and a half or so.  Then, super-nice people that they are, they rushed back and initiated a second expedition so that Shandie and I could go.  The second expedition, as seen from the house as we went by:

It was absolutely lovely.  We took turns being pulled in the inner tubes and practicing our spins.  The water was cold, but the weather was perfect. 

That evening Anders sported an amazing - and au natural - Kate Gosselin-esque hairdo: 

After dinner we sang "Happy Birthday" to Shandera one day late and enjoyed our ice cream creations:

Somewhere along, most of us crammed into the hot tub together.  The water was pretty dirty, but we (especially the kids) enjoyed it during our stay.

The cup runneth over.


Bill Hastings said...

Nice relaxing day! (Have you noticed the guy in the Tab Choir with my hair? It is special!)

Anna said...

Yeah, the missing out on stuff kind of sucks, but then your kids get older and it gets better. Promise.
And I think Rob caught a disease in that hot tub. And I'm not joking.

Courtney said...

Rob got a disease? I'm concerned. Love that Tron's hair was ala Kate Gosselin. Totally nailed it.