Trout (I guess):
You gotta do what you gotta do:
Muskrat (kind of gross):
Over on the cabin side:
Lucy pretending to be taller than Johnny Sack:
After Bags made her go flat-footed:
Cool coat or hat rack(?) that I somehow didn't notice when I was there:
Apparently Johnny Sack was the lone winter resident in Big Springs, and he would travel miles on snoeshows or cross-country skis to Mack's Inn to visit friends. We grew very familiar with Mack's Inn during our trip. After the cabin, we went there to rent rafts and float the Snake.
Clarice, being in love with Jim, came in our raft:
We photocize them; they photocize us:
Portraits of ladies:
Bags helped take care of Evergreen, who was wonderfully well behaved during the trip:
Clarice throwing gang signs:
Demure Ann Marie:
Shaka, braddah:
Betsy (and ergo Shandie) had a rough time, given the nap deprivation. Shandie tried to put on a happy face, though:
We stopped at a rope swing and took turns jumping into the FREEZING water. As a herd, we migrated from our beach to the swing:
Clarice really wanted to swing. Rob agreed to jump in simultaneously to help her.
Unfortunately Clarice wouldn't let go, despite multiple attempts:
Even Bets took a little dip:
Pod, not getting much air:
Me (winning the Best Form Award, I think):
Dean, being happy and looking much like unto a boy:
Wildlife spotting - baby moose:
Deetrix and Shandie, keeping the spark alive:
*Grammar quiz of the day: How do you make possessive a proper noun that already has an apostrophe in it (such as Trader Joe's)?
Another great day (and post)!
Again, love your commentary.
Trader Joe's'? Trader Joe'ses? Ok, nope. Maybe it just stays as is.
Hilarious. Love Clarice's gang signs and the Grecian/Shan spark. So great.
Trader Joe's. I think we have to leave it alone, right?
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