Sunday, January 26, 2025

September 2023 - Just Life and the Heart Rock Trail

Our goings-on, by the photos, in September 2023:

The class Ever had the most homework in was art. It drove me crazy.

I probably took this picture because the girls were cute playing a game together, but also - the mess. Always, the mess. 

We ran into the Gustafsons and the Longs at Annie's Canyon.  

The defrost in the new Chrysler Pacifica doesn't work. Over and over again, it fogged up, and I could not get it unfogged. But the dealership couldn't find anything wrong with it (being unable to test it when it was actually foggy, of course) and seemed to think I just don't understand how defrosting works and didn't give it enough time or something. I took a picture at one point to try to prove to them that it wasn't working. 

I gave up trying to get it fixed, though. It has occasionally worked since. 

My sweet Bear, inexplicably sleeping in sunglasses. 

Lucy and Lola Bowen (friends of Ever and Wren, respectively, from school) came over for a bake-off play date. Lucy and Ever went head-to-head with Wren and Lola on cupcakes with Nutella frosting. Tiny was the judge - a job she relished. 

I found one of our Girls Who Choose God books like this on the living room floor, and I loved that someone was reading it in her spare time.  

Ever's soccer team went for burgers at In-N-Out, and the Littles killed time being funny together.

Tiny had a chocolate chip pancake in her lunch box for some reason and ate it after she got home from school. She picked out all the chocolate chips and placed them around the lunchbox to eat at the end. 

We took a quick Thursday/Friday trip to Big Bear and took Ella Rondo with us. We had wanted to go for general conference weekend, but Saturday soccer games required an early return. We hiked the Heart Rock Trail (just 1.8 miles) near Crestline on the way up. Fun Daddy decided to crawl through a hollow tree. It proved much more difficult and painful that one would imagine. 

Smaller people fared a lot better. 

This graffitied pipe was very fun to cross. Tiny inched her way across. 

Berry crawled. 

And then walked.

So Tiny walked. 

Then Ella and Ever wanted to recreate The Beatles' Abbey Road photo. Ever felt that the Littles underperformed. 

Jim climbed this tree, and then the girls took it over and refused to leave. 

Ella and Ever took the tree climbing to another level when they climbed this thing. 

It got a little frightening; a fall wouldn't have been pretty. 

Finally we pulled the children out of the trees and completed the hike to the heart rock. 

Jim showed some leg as he tested the waters.

There was a little more tree climbing on our way out. 

Ever and Ella were supposed to do some sort of service (a YW challenge), so the girls picked up a bunch of garbage as we hiked back. 

We ate lunch at a Mexican place in Lake Arrowhead I had heard was good. It wasn't amazing.  

At the cabin, Tiny disappeared for a while. I found her here.

I love neighborhood walks in the Bear. The children do not. But we got one in. 

Pic of Tiny's class, with Tiny looking mischievous in the back. 

Another pic of Tiny with classmates.

L to R: Kaia Johnson, Ryan D., Tiny, and Savannah

Tiny at her Girl Scout troop's bridging ceremony.

Tiny had a glorious time at a playdate at Maya's house.

Playing at the park at the end of a field trip:

L to R: Ryan D., Vanessa, Kaia Johnson, and Tiny (who is, truly, tinier than everyone)

The stake hosted a manners night for the youth. Our girls' video won a prize.

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