We discussed the desirability of swimming in this lovely cove and how Poldark always luxuriates in amazing-looking water like this that must actually be freezing.
Rathlin Island in the background:
Next we parked at Giant's Causeway and ran to catch a bus that took us to Dunseverick Castle. We were confused when we could only find the remains of a couple of walls, but that's really all there was. Rob and I went down into the valley and up the hill to explore the ruins and see what we could see. Pregnant Coco and Ann Marie hung out at the top and ate wild blackberries.
We walked along the cliff about five miles to Giant's Causeway. It was a gorgeous hike, and we enjoyed being out pretty much all by ourselves.
Sheep on a cliff:
Sheep on a trail:
Rob ran out on a promontory while we went on down the trail. He took a picture of us while we took a picture of him. Coco, Anna, and I waved:
When I saw this column, I was like, "I wonder what was built here and how?" And Anna was like, "Um, those are the basalt columns that formed all these cliffs." I'm an idiot.
Said basalt columns as we got to Giant's Causeway:
Anna is good at the foot pics.
Super nifty place.