Monday, January 27, 2020

Hawai'i in August: Kalopa, Hapuna

The morning of Sunday, August 4, we flew to Hawai'i for a Hastings family reunion. It was a really early morning, but we made it fine. There was some rental car confusion, and we ended up wasting an hour or so in Kona (where it was incredibly hot) trying to figure out if we could/should cancel our car and have someone in the fam come pick us up. We ended up taking our car, going to Waimea for a minute, and then heading to Kalopa to meet up with everyone.

We played with the frisbees and boomerangs (yes, we got a boomerang stuck within the first two minutes) and did the nature walk. On the walk, Tiny thought it was quite fun to run ahead. Tucker tried to keep an eye on her for us, which was very nice. She really has a problem with running off.

My camera can't take a decent picture to save its life, so I'm stealing pictures from Anna and Courtney for these Hawai'i posts. I'm trying to keep it to pics involving Jim and my little people to avoid an overload.

Tiny was a) so sweaty and b) all over Anson. After the nature walk, she just followed him around the whole time, undeterred by the fact that he was just not that into her.

That night, my people were very, very tired.

Monday we went to Hapuna. Anna took this pic on the way down the hill. The lines on the road were inexplicable. I've never seen anything like it.

Haps was beautiful, as always. The water was incredibly warm. It was so nice. I don't remember what it was like when I was a kid, but in the years I've been going back as an adult, I don't think it's ever been so amazingly warm.

Left to right: Tiny, Wren, Anson

Much to my dismay, Ever somehow learned about throwing peace signs for pictures.

Despite intense sunscreening, the girls got burned, which devastated me. I can't figure out why Ever gets burned every time she's outside, even after I go nuts on her with sunscreen. Her face got burned. Wrenzy's legs were terrible. So sad. I hate ruining my children's skin and giving them cancer.

We stopped for shaved ice in Kawaihae after the beach. The line was insanely long, but we waited. Everyone else in the fam went straight to Christian and Shandra's house (loaned by friends of Mamo and Papo) for swimming and barbecuing.

After the shaved ice detour, we met everyone at the place where Christian and Shandra were staying. It was incredible - super cool and fancy house with a great pool and lovely view. 

Then we headed back to Waimea and played a fun "how much do you know about everyone?" game. Dustin got in a lot of trouble, and we all had a good laugh, when he tried to make his answer about what he likes to do in his spare time not so obvious by describing hunting as something like "walking around and looking for animals."

I knew the girls were wasted, but I felt bad making them go to sleep when everyone else was up having fun. So I let them hang out. Wrenzy just couldn't make it; she passed out on the floor in the middle of the game. Super-burned legs on the most tired child:

1 comment:

Courtney said...

So sad about the instant sunburning. But I want to go back. No place like home.