Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Rest of January

Someone gave us a bunch of tangerines, and Jim decided to make juice. When I went to take a picture of the festivities, I happened to capture a little Wrenzy-on-Tiny love:

We sang Angels We Have Heard on High about 50 million times this winter. Wrenzy's version of the chorus involved "in his Chelsea stable" instead of "in excelsis deo." She was singing the whole thing through pretty well, but when I pulled out the camera she just sang that one line over and over.

She practiced winking.

Tiny continued her princess-dress wearing.

She plays matching games by lining up all the cards very carefully in incredibly long lines.

Wrenzy and Ever invented a new hobby: shaving shards off wet rocks. It provided hours of fun.

Meanwhile, Tiny made neat piles of our rubber chips.

One morning, the girls made a book for me and presented it to me with breakfast.

Ever's page:

Wren's page:

Tiny's page:

I came upon Wrenzy reading How the Grinch Stole Christmas to Tiny (who was ignoring her) and was very impressed by how well she knew the story. 

Girl Scout cookie season started. Ever made a lil' promotional video, the quality of which was so poor (thanks to my weird phone) that we couldn't use it on her website.

One night, Wren handed me Tiny's toothbrush and said, "Mom, will you please put toothpaste on this so I can brush Tiny's teeth? I'm going to try not to poke her. Last time I poked her." Then, while she brushed with great focus, she said, "Tiny, tell me if I'm poking you." She concluded with a tongue brushing. Then she "read" Tiny her (Wren's) favorite story from the Friend. Turned out Wren was playing "little Mommy" in their favorite game, "Family."

JoAnn started having the littles take their naps on the futon in the living room, where all the hullabaloo goes on (between the kitchen and the TV). She said they sleep better that way than when she puts them in a bedroom upstairs. I was shocked that they could sleep like that, but she sent me proof.

There was a really rare and exciting super blood wolf moon (I think). Ever's Girl Scout troop got together for a viewing party by someone's house and got a great view through a telescope.

Anna was brave and took both Lelei and Ever on a Wednesday-afternoon hike with Leela, Rafi, and one of Anna's friends and her kids. I feared the Lelei/Leela/Ever threesome, given the regular drama, but everybody got along and had a great time.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Can't handle the cuteness. And the princess-dress wearing. Forgot to mention on last post - so much rain!