Monday, November 5, 2018

Videos & Jim's Birthday

A few videos to remember the girls at this age. Wrenzy counting:

Tiny wearing her "dance class" (tutu):

Wrenzy was trying to ask for spaghetti, and she just couldn't get the word right. She said it over and over but of course pretty much stopped when I started filming.

Jim's birthday was on a Tuesday this year. The Sunday before, Ever decorated the house while he napped. 

She decked out a chair, too, with crepe paper, ribbons, and a balloon, but I didn't get a picture of that. The tape ripped a bunch of paint off, so it's a good thing we don't care about those chairs. We made a yellow cake with chocolate frosting that day, and the girls made Jim a lovely card. He and I went to dinner and a movie at some point. That was the extent of the celebration.

I got to the gym once, and the littles' outfits seemed unusually coordinated.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Videos are so great. Love their little voices. And Ever should consider party planning as a career.