Sunday, November 4, 2018

The End of July, Including a Brief Visit from Tutu and Papa

Kids are hard. Sometimes life is like this, for no good reason:

I tried to get a video of Tiny's incredibly ineffective method of consuming frozen yogurt. When I pointed the camera at her, she started saying "cheese" and wouldn't stop. Also Jim distracted me by forgetting my phone number. 

Tutu and Papa went to Europe, and they laid over here on their way home (hooray for our team!). They got in on Monday afternoon, July 23, and left Wednesday morning, so we really just had a day with them. It was really hot that Tuesday (as it was much of the summer), so we decided to go to the Birch Aquarium. We had a nice time, and the littles enjoyed it. Wren, in particular, seemed quite enthralled.

Ever was at an art camp at the Oceanside Museum of Art that week, so she missed out on the aquarium. She really enjoyed the camp, though.

Tiny's rendition of "The Little Drummer Boy," aka "Pa-rum-pa-pum-pum," goes like this: "A newborn king to see, rum-pa-pum-pum," repeated ad nauseum.

Wrenzy sang "Tinkle, Tinkle, Little Star" and the alphabet song, while Tiny provided backup vocals.

The girls - primarily Tiny and Wrenzy, as Ever is usually at school - are my dishwasher helpers. Bear-ba-loot unloaded one day wearing only her Bear-ba-loot suit.

We had friends over, and Tiny, who is the worst eater, refused to eat the watermelon but enjoyed licking it.

Despite the bird poop, the girls enjoyed some time on the tramp one lovely evening.

I found two memos Ever had written on my phone. When I saw the first, I thought, "Aw, that's cute. She loves Daddy."

Then I laughed out loud when I saw the second one:

1 comment:

Courtney said...

So fun! The aquarium looks lovely - and such a great pic of poddy. Sad for Ever that her parents are so mean to her.