Sunday, November 4, 2018

Raising Nerds and Mess-Makers

Ever finished second-grade Jiji math (the computer program they use at school) before first grade started. She didn't do much over the summer but got in the last little bit shortly before school began.

Ella came over to play, and Ever suggested that they play Scrabble. (We'd recently introduced Ever to the game.) We taught Ella how it works, and they did their best. The words were short, which made them hard to build on, but I loved that that was what Ever wanted to do.

The littles went through a phase when they were constantly taking Jim and my books off the shelf in the living room, "reading" them, and leaving them about.

The Saturday after school started (first-day pictures to be posted separately), Ever read an entire Kitty Magic book. She brought it into our room in the morning and looked like a teenager as she read.

The littles decided to join in the fun.

Within a few hours, Ever had finished the whole book. I didn't feel as if we really read that much over the summer, but man, has Goosey become a great reader.

In mess news, the littles like to put as much as they can into bags and backpacks and carry them around the house. This day, Wrenzy stuffed her clothes in a backpack, which she then brought downstairs and unloaded.

The littles often play so nicely together, but oh, the messes!

In other news, I was going to finally toss the tent Coco gave us some Christmases ago because the lean had gotten out of control.

Then later that same day, I found the girls playing in it.

I did eventually toss it, so that's opened up some more room in which the girls can make messes.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Love the nerds in our family! Ever looks way too old reading that book - and seriously how important is it to have a good oldest sibling!? Wrenny looks so proud of her mess. And it was probably time that the tent went away.