Anyway, before I get to graduation, a couple of end-of-year things. Sometime during the last week of school, Anna took the picture below of Mrs. Tesluk with a bunch of the girls from their class. Emily, the second from the left, was one of Ever's favorites. Aviana, Leela, and Ever are in the middle in front of Mrs. Tesluk. Naomi is in the "Girl Power" shirt. She wrote something to Ever at the end of the year calling her her best friend, which warmed my heart.
They had a special Mo Willems day. Anna picked up the girls that day and took pictures. The nest hats are inspired by There is a Bird on Your Head! Ever, Leela, and Aviana:
The kids walked in to "Pomp and Circumstance."
They sang a few songs. It's really hard to hold a camera still with a Tiny crawling all over you.
When they started practicing this one, Ever came home asking me to play it over and over (except she preferred some kid version to the Bob version, which was painful to me):
I couldn't trim this next one because I love the song and find it happy, and I LOVE the loud-singing kid on the far right, Ayden, so much. Also Tiny's rolling around on the ground is an added bonus.
The teachers presented the graduates with certificates.
The grand finale was a dance number. I love Ever's moves when she does the stepping-backward part. Leela is fab. And again, lots of greatness with the boys doing the floss, etc. Also Ever totally blocked Blaize, to her right (our left), the WHOLE time. So many things to love.
Parents picked up report cards at graduation, but it was so incredibly difficult getting all my girls and stuff to the car that I ended up putting our envelope down and leaving it by or in the classroom. Mrs. Tesluk recovered it and left it in the office for me to pick up later. I was so proud when I read it. The second trimester report card had never made it home, so the second trimester comments and the third trimester comments were new to me. I was very pleased that Mrs. Tesluk described Ever as a natural leader and a hard worker who gives every assignment her all.
ST Math (Jiji) is the math program they use. Ever did a bunch at the end of the school year, so she was actually about 96% through 2nd grade by the end of the year, not 82% as the report card states. She did the last little bit over the summer, so she's through 2nd grade now.
Anna and I were talking to Mrs. Tesluk after graduation, and Mrs. Tesluk said Leela and Ever are bright and don't get discouraged when faced with something hard. She said that Leela takes time to process everything, while Ever just gets it right away. Anna said she's seen that - like they'll be driving, and Leela will need Anna to explain something again. Ever will say, all exasperated, "Leela!" So Ever's maybe not so patient with Leela (and we need to work on that), but she's really smart. She is an amazing little girl, and Jim and I are so proud.
What a bright little girl with quite the future ahead of her. Nice work, Ever Leighzy. Also, kinder graduation seems slightly unnecessary. But maybe it's worth it for the dance numbers.
Amazing kid you got! Hope she doesn't get bored in 1st grade.
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