Thursday, April 19, 2018

Black Mountain Open Space Park

On Saturday, February 24, we did a hike at Black Mountain Open Space Park. It wasn't quite as lovely as the time we went before because it was sunny instead of misty and cloudy. But we got out.

This guy was waiting for a friend and some wind to show up so he could paraglide.

We wanted to get to the summit of this hill where the radio towers (?) were. The direct route had a gate across it with a sign saying people weren't allowed to pass because they're trying to regrow vegetation or something. We didn't understand, since we would just be walking on the wide trail, but I really didn't want to go that way because rule-breaking is really hard for me. We tried to go around another way but couldn't figure out how to get there. So Jim had his way, and we passed that do-not-pass sign (as did others after us, which made me feel better).

At the top, Tiny kept stepping onto this thing and falling off, over and over and over. The one time I tried to film her, she didn't really make it up and actually tumbled off. Whoops.

On the way down, we saw a ton of paragliders and got to see one take off. If that weren't a really dangerous sport, I'd be highly interested.

Tired Tiny fell asleep on the way down.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Check you guys out - hiking and everything. Also, I am interested in paragliding.