Monday, March 19, 2018

January Hawai'i Trip: Hapuna & Cafe Pesto

Sunday I enjoyed running into old family friends at church. I don't remember anything else from that day because I have no pictures. 

Monday, January 22, we went back to Hapuna after Antonio's morning nap. It was hard timing things because we were never ready immediately after he woke up, so by the time we were leaving it was always time for my girls' naps. The girls just skipped naps and were tired, but at least they're old enough now that we can do that without super-dire consequences.

Because I don't deal with kids' clothes (buying them, rotating them out, etc.), Wrenny and Tiny sported matching size-12-month swimsuits someone gave us.

Coco got Antone to take a little nap, and my phone took lots of glowy NCIS pictures.

Ever and Jim and the sea:

Always a good time with Tutu.

I think this may have been the day we got a great whale show. First we saw one whale jump, and then a second, and then they'd jump together. It went on and on and was very exciting. People on the beach (especially yours truly) exclaimed and clapped every time one or both did a trick. I loved it, and I confirmed that whales make me cry. There's something so amazing about these giant creatures out there in the huge ocean, frolicking and swimming together. They make it seem as if all is right with the world.

We stopped at Cafe Pesto for an early dinner on the way home. Tiny's diaper soaked through, so she borrowed a onesie from Anson and looked adorable in it.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Again - perfection. I'm homesick already. Sad that napping children make everything so hard - thanks for prioritizing Antone's naps. And it freaks me out that Tiny can wear Antone's clothes.