Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Salinas: Point Lobos

Tuesday we went to Point Lobos. We had a tailgate lunch and then hit the trails. Reading Wrenbow was being difficult. Tutu set out with her, and Coco took our empty backpack.


I didn't remember that Ever took that last pic above until I saw this pic of Anna's:

Wrenzy rode on Coco's back for a while and then started losing her mind. I can't remember why. I think she wanted me to hold her. She screamed and screamed. Dustin took her, and after a really long time, she calmed down. 

Coco with a sleeping (and hidden) Antone. 

At the end, there was much tidepool exploration.

Dustin had some alone time with the ocean.

After dinner, the kids and Dustin played hide and seek outside. The kids hid too long and too well. Dustin was seriously afraid he was going to lose someone, so first he made a rule that they couldn't go by the horses. When his fear did not subside, he switched the game to sardines. Ever was having the time of her life running around with her cousins. The rest of the adults got to hang out and talk.