Sunday, September 17, 2017

Ever Went to Dance Camp

The week after we got back from Salinas, Ever went to a dance camp at Carlsbad Dance Centre. She was in a Minion-themed combo camp for three- to five-year-olds that included gymnastics, tap, and ballet. It was Monday-Friday from 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. I learned about it from an e-flyer distributed by Oceanside Unified. No one we knew was doing it, but Ever wanted to go alone. I'm so pleased she's like that.

The last day they did a performance for the parents.  First they did their little gymnastics segment.

Then they performed their dance. I ended up stuck on the opposite side of the room from Ever. The girl next to her wasn't good at staying in a straight line, so she blocked Ever a lot of the time. I videotaped it anyway.

They were presented with certificates and posed for a group picture.

Ever loved the camp and wants to do it again next year. She said the gymnastics part was her favorite. Girl after my own heart.


Courtney said...

So wonderful. Love that outgoing, friendly, ambitious little lady. Love that she wants to go to EVERYTHING.

Anna said...

Cute girl.

Bill Hastings said...

She done good!