Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Great Thing About Mamo

Jim and I were reminiscing recently about one of the best things Mamo has ever said. I think it was when we were home (in Hawai'i) for Christmas. We were talking about how Mamo and Kuha'o Case play the organ at church. All of a sudden, Mamo said, "The great thing about me is ..." We interrupted her with laughter and jokes. It was particularly funny because Mamo is always so self-deprecating and humble. When we finally let her finish, she explained that she was going to say the great thing about her is that she can see (as opposed to Kuha'o, who is blind), so she can follow the (amazingly dynamic) conductor's motions and play softly when he wants to be soft and loudly when he wants to be loud.

Anyway, now when we want a good laugh, we say, "The great thing about me is ..." And we think fondly of our beloved Mamo.


Bill Hastings said...

Mamo is not just great, she's truly "awesome."

Courtney said...

So great. I love this so much and am so sad I missed it. Mamo is the best.