Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Attempt at Family Photos

Back in February the Young Women hosted a fundraiser that included a silent auction for various goods and services. A few lady photographers in the ward auctioned family photo sessions. One got no bids. I felt bad, so I bought it for cheap.

Jim and I both hate pictures. That is why we have no real family photos. Karen Wilson had requested a photo of Ever for Christmas, however, so I figured this was our chance. I told Crystal-lynn, the photographer, that we were most interested in photos of Ever but could try to take a few of the family, too. We didn't get around to setting up the photo session until this fall - and only then because of Cystal-lynn's prodding. I had already gained a bunch of pregnancy weight, and getting dressed was difficult for me. Jim didn't want to take the pictures at all. Everything was hard. In any case, Ever didn't last very long, so what was supposed to be a two-hour session lasted about 30 minutes.

We didn't give Crystal-lynn much to work with, but here's what we got:

Probably my fave:

This angle wasn't working for me. I don't think all my pregnancy pounds have gone to my thighs and hips. Jim doesn't have a problem, though. Hmm...


Bill Hastings said...

Great! Ever's a doll; and love Jimmy's short hair!

Bill Hastings said...

Oh, yes -- you don't look pregnant (or fat), you look wonderful!

Courtney said...

I think they're cute. I agree with your fave of Ever, that one's a keeper. The one of all 3 of you before your comments about your hips/thighs is my fave family one. It's difficult, but family pictures are important. Also, it's time for you to send me another prego pic.