Sunday, January 12, 2014

Bedtime Sweetness

The night before last, Dolly said, "I want to sing John."  (She and Mr. Denver are on a first-name basis now.) We started out with her head on my shoulder, but she had a hard time getting comfortable.  I shifted her down so I was holding her like a little baby in the crook of my arm, rocking a little as I sang.  She reached up and put her hands on my cheeks, and she held my face like that until I finished singing.  It was the sweetest thing ever.  Made me cry.  It's crazy how into her I still am after two years.

Jim came in while I was singing and crying.  He thought I was crying because he had just sledgehammered the brick at the base of the fireplace in the living room and covered the entire downstairs (and partway up the stairs) with red brick dust.

(Yes, the piano was in the thick of the action.  This picture was taken after I dusted it.)

My distress over the state of the house might have amplified my emotional response, but I'm pretty sure the crying was because of Dolly.  I have to say, though - I can't wait until our downstairs is done.  And maybe I never want to live in a house while doing major renovations again.


Bill Hastings said...

Too sweet! You're an awesome mom.

Courtney said...

I love this. It makes me cry. The tenderness overfloweth. Love that lil girl.

Also, you're a pretty serious champ with the renos. I don't think I could do it.

Courtney said...
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Shandra said...

What a little sweetheart! Sorry about the ongoing renovations!