Monday, December 9, 2013

Bags Got Married

The super-exciting news is that Bags got married last month.  We flew to DC on Wednesday, November 6.  Dolly missed her nap because of our drive to LAX, so she was exhausted by the time we got on the plane.  The flight was a nightmare.  Dolly wouldn't go to Jim at all, so I had the pleasure of dealing with her the entire time.  She was soooooo tired and hyperactive, and she wouldn't sleep a wink.  It was a miracle we survived. 

We arrived after midnight (Thursday morning), picked up our car, and stayed at a hotel near the airport in Chantilly.  Didn't get to bed until about 2:00 A.M.  Had a slow start that morning.  Eventually made it to Bags's old place to help with wedding preparations.  Mamo spent the day ironing and got blisters to show for it.  Jim joined Pod for some woodworking.  Bags and I did some odds and ends and then went to her and Dustin's new place to throw together dinner.  She fed the two families.  Cornyee's kind roommate Kari came over to watch Ever, and the families (plus Dustin's friend Eric) went to the temple, which was really nice.  There's no aisle separating the men from the women in the DC temple, so one couple can sit next to each other in each row.  Jim and I sat behind Court and Dun, and it was nice to sit together. 

I think Friday was more wedding prep.  Bags tried so hard to have everything done early, but the last few days before a wedding just have to be busy.  That night the families had dinner together at Ray's to the Third, where Bags and Dun Dun had their first date.  Their toffee explosion shake was the best shake I've ever had.  Dustin's dad and his brother, Jake, gave little speeches at the dinner sort of celebrating Courtney and the impending nuptials, and it was really nice.  Dustin's family is so kind, warm, personable, and thoughtful.  Shannon (Dustin's sister who left on her mission right before the wedding) sent Courtney ear plugs (for Dustin's snoring); Dustin's Uncle Keith gave him warm socks (for his cold feet).  At the dinner, Jake presented Courtney with a key chain that lights up - the kind that Dustin used to travel around and sell.  After dinner, we went to Cornyee and Dustin's new place for a little dessert party with family, close friends, and out-of-towners. 

Bags stayed in the Kringel hotel suite Friday night.  We didn't get to sleep until late, and Saturday was hectic trying to get ready and out the door to the temple.  We had to stop at Target to get a white shirt for Jim (he'd forgotten his), and there was unexpected traffic.  We made it, though.  I didn't get a chance to do Dolly's hair, so it was fuzzy and nasty.  We left her with Cornyee's friends Natalie and Ashley during the sealing.  She looked thrashed: 

The sealing was lovely.  It's pretty much the most wonderful thing that Bags found a good fella who makes her so happy.

I think the most awkward thing in the world is when a bride and groom come out of the temple in wedding attire and have to stand there while people take pictures and nobody goes up to talk to them because most of the people there just saw and congratulated them inside the temple.  Bags and Dustin pushed through that part, and then we all went around to the side of the temple so the professional photographer could work her magic.  Bags's made-in-China dress turned out amazingly.  Shandie did her hair, and she looked perfect. 

Pod, Mamo, and I came out right before the happy couple.  Mamo pretended the crowd was gathered for her.  She's behind Pod blowing kisses.

The real main event:

While Bags was getting into her wedding dress and accoutrements, Ann Marie fixed Everdeen's hair and made her totally adorable.  With Uncle Udon (or Uncle Scary, as he calls himself since she generally seems frightened of him):


This picture is my favorite because Shandie somehow looks gigantic and/or the Ann Maries look incredibly short:

This photo is also very weird.  I don't know what I'm doing, and then Bags has an odd, incredibly sly look on her face.  You have to blow it up to see:

The whole temple gang:

The families (the Hastings side is totally winning):

Our fam (with Dani, the only extended family member there):

Our fam (without Dani and after the Ann Maries adopted Ever):

The siblings:

Nieces and nephews (Tristan and Betsy were missed):

The cutest parents in the world:

Jim's jealous that Dee and Shandie got their own shot with the couple, but I love how everybody's laughing:

Cute family photo of the Rob and Annas:

I don't feel as freckly as I appear in this picture:

Pod signing off:

Mamo trying to warm up:

Dani and I finally put our coats on, too.  The feet (in open-toed shoes because I don't own any others) were still frozen, but the coat helped some.  Jim calls me "Jawa" when I wear the hood:

Everdeen looked so precious thanks to Ann Marie's hairstyling and the dress, hair ribbons, and sweater (hidden under her jacket) Mamo bought for her.  Even the gorgeous bride admired her:

The cutest little people:

They played a rousing game of "up/down." 

After picture taking, we headed to the Great Falls Grange, the reception venue.  Preparations were already in full swing by the time we got there.  Bags has amazing friends, and the Homers were very helpful, too.  The Homers had picked up pizzas, cookies, etc., so we had a snack and then tried to be helpful. 

Natalie came up with so many cute touches.  Everything was amazing.  Bags wanted rustic.  Southern comfort food.  Bluegrass band for the first hour.  Perfect. 

Dolly went up and down the stairs all night long.  Mario and crew were preparing food in the basement and bringing it upstairs to the party.  Dolly was an obstacle. 



Guests took polaroids in front of this:

The polaroids were then hung from jute (thick twine, I learned) strung across a wooden frame built by Pod and Jim.  I wish I had a photo of the polaroid structure because it was really cute.  Clarice insisted that all persons capable of making the joker face pose for a polaroid.  This is the disgusting result:

Clarice was in about five photos total.  Her other work was cuter:

This is so Courtney:

Jim and Dani got cozy:

The party was hard because Ever had been missing sleep for days by then and was beyond exhausted.  For a lot of the time, I was just trying to deal with her.  I felt bad that I really didn't get to chat with Dani or anyone else.  At one point during the live music segment, Dolly fell asleep in my arms.  I couldn't believe she could sleep with such loud music and other noise going on. 

She didn't sleep too long.  I think I sort of woke her because I was nervous about having her sleeping on me when it was time for the toasts.  Jake gave his toast first.  Then I had to peel a crying Dolly off me to go up on the stage.  Jim couldn't help because he was trying to film.  I took notes up with me but didn't look at them, so I got things out of order and didn't say quite everything I wanted to say.  Plus, as expected, I got emotional right off the bat.  People were complimentary anyway - all but Gordon Bryson.  He and Liz were there.  He made fun of me for getting so emotional and said that the thing most toast-givers have going for them is that the people in attendance are drunk and won't remember anything other than the fact that the toast-giver gave a toast, but I didn't have that going for me.  So that was nice.  I think the Brysons are really good and nice people at heart, but Gordon really comes up with some gems.  (I still remember when he said Christian got the looks in the family.)  Mamo said later that my toast made Liz cry, so that made me feel better. 

The cutting of the cake (there was no face-smashing):

The dance:

For favors, they had a candy bar with his favorites and her favorites.  The wooden structure with the pictures was the other woodworking project with which Pod and Jim helped.  Dustin built the frame; Pod and Jim did the jute. 

The kids were really excited about the candy bar.  Clarice posed with her to-go bag:

I didn't take any pictures until the end of the night, when I tried to capture the bouquet toss and garter festivities.  Our camera was on a really weird setting:


The Whittemores came (mother and daughter).  I knew the name but didn't remember the connection.  Apparently they lived on O'ahu when I was a baby.  Mamo has kept in touch with them, and the daughter was in Bags's singles' ward.  They were super nice, and I got to chat with them at the end of the night when Ever was running around with the Rob and Anna kids.  Mamo with Mother Whittemore:

These are the most tender photos of Pod and Bags:

So at the end of the evening, Ever was running around with the Rob and Anna kids, and I wasn't really paying attention to her.  I saw her and Clarice looking out a dark door on the stage at one point.  Then shortly after that, Clarice came up to me and said that Ever went into the dark room up there.  I went up to the stage, opened that door, and took a step or two.  It was pitch black, and I realized that I was outside on a weird staircase with some sort of metal grate for a landing and a metal railing.  The stairs seemed super steep, and I couldn't really see anything but sensed that a little person could fall through the railing.  I panicked.  I thought Ever had fallen and was dead because I hadn't been watching her.  I went back into the hall, and Mamo was there.  I was all freaked out and started to cry, even while Mamo was telling me that Ever was right there, inside.  It was the most frightening, awful thing.  Thank goodness she was OK.  I hate how easy it would be for a tragic accident to happen. 

Little Miss passed out immediately in the car on the way home while holding her red balloon.  Can't remember where that balloon came from.


The smart ladies had either worn comfortable shoes or brought comfortable shoes for the hours between the sealing and the reception.  I was not so smart.  I had never before spent an entire day - like 11 hours - in heels (and tall ones, at that).  At work I kick my shoes off the second I sit down - even in other people's offices.  My feet were excruciating by the end of the night - not from blisters or pinching, but hurt in a way that I had never experienced and cannot describe.  Anna mentioned that she permanently injured her feet wearing heels and never wears them anymore, so I was convinced I'd done permanent damage.  They were in pain for days afterward, and it hurt to stand and walk.  It was crazy.  The good news is the pain eventually went away - at least mostly.  I still think they feel a little weird when I first get up.  Being a lady is really lame (pun unintended) sometimes. 


Bill Hastings said...

You write so well, Whitty. Thanks for the marvelous pix and entertaining, informative captions. You remind us of that most special day and the wonderful time we had together. You touch our hearts and our funny bones. Thank you, Love.

Bill Hastings said...

Well done! It was a great time in every way!

Courtney said...

Thank you so much for coming and for liking the party. It is really, really nice that I found Dust. The Shandie/Anne Marie phote is so weird, I don't understand it. But thank you for all the nice things you said. I hadn't heard the story about how you thought Ever died. So scary. Glad she's alive and well.

Anna said...

Fun to relive the day through your eyes. And what is with that picture of Shan and the midgets??
That panicky scary fear when you aren't sure where your child is may be the WORST feeling in the world. Once time Clarice was a matter of seconds....anyway, horrible sick awful terrible feeling.