Saturday, March 23, 2013

15 Months and a Bag Lady

Our little Dolly is 15 months old.  At 19 pounds, she didn't quite make the 4th percentile for weight.  She's in the 28th or 30th percentile for height, and her head is in the 80th percentile. 

We finally got childproof lock things on most of the kitchen cabinets.  The drawers and the single cabinet under the utility sink can't be childproofed with the doohickeys we got, so they remain open for business.  Dolly has a thing for bags and sponges, both of which can be found in the cabinet under the utility sink.  She has spent a lot of time lately pulling sponges and bags out of that cabinet and carrying them around. 

 It's really, really hard for Dolly to get all the bags on her arms.  She perseveres, though:

This day, she took the bags out to visit Jim as he stained our new fence an inexplicable orange (he said it was the only color Lowe's had). 

Jim killed our grass on purpose (again) because it had been infiltrated (again)
by a type he doesn't like.  Someday he'll dig it all up and replant it (again).

Dolly had a hard time walking on the tall grass.

She just kept getting up, though, and no bag was left behind.

She says probably 20 words at least.  Some favorites are "doctor," "thank you," "nana" (for Karen Wilson and bananas), "milk," "mail" (which sounds an awful lot like "milk"), and apple (pronounced "bapple").  Getting the mail is one of her favorite things.  I guess she's got some of Pod in her. 

We visited Eric and Mariah Koehle today, and Eric took a video of Ever saying a few words and confirming what we already knew - Daddy's her favorite:

I thought she was over the hitting thing, but she's had some bad spells lately.  I'm her primary target.  It was super-upsetting at first.  Now I'm just trying to break her of it. 

She loves roughhousing with Jim.  They growl and wrestle on the couch. 

She's getting more physical, trying to climb up on couches, chairs, and the like. 

She loves baths.  She likes to throw the rubber ducks out of the tub and splash water everywhere, so it's not my favorite. 

She's eaten peas and asparagus lately, which has brought me much joy.  She still absolutely refuses milk out of anything but a bottle.  (She sometimes will drink a little water out of a cup, which is a big step.)  Today she threw a giant fit in her high chair, crying for "milk" and pointing to a bottle on the island.  I kept trying to give her a sippy cup with milk, but she would have none of it.  We're going to have to starve her onto the sippy cup, and we probably won't do it for another couple months. 

I look forward to her expanding her vocabulary.  She now does this annoying whine/grunt while pointing at what she wants (which is everything).  That's not our favorite, but Dolly, on the whole, is still pretty great. 


Bill Hastings said...

Pretty funny... had Mamo in tears she was laughing so hard!

Courtney said...

So great! She's making her auntie coco real proud. For real, dalai gets better and better. I can't believe you're asking her which parent is her favorite.

Shandra said...

I LOVED the bag lady pictures and video! She's one cute girl. Beautiful beautiful!

Anna said...

LOVE the bags. Love, love, love.