Sunday, November 18, 2012

R.I.P., Mr. Giraffe (or Dolly's First Break-up)

I took Dolly in the stroller on a jaunt through the neighborhood, and I let her bring Mr. Giraffe along.  Later that evening, we discovered that Mr. Giraffe was gone.  Jim and I panicked.  Would she accept a regular pacifier at bedtime?  What would she do without her beloved Mr. Giraffe?  Jim bemoaned the fact that we had been so shortsighted as to own only one.  Of course we would lose Mr. Giraffe at some point!  We called two different baby stores looking for a replacement.  No one carries WubbaNub pacifiers.  Desperate, we retraced my steps in the car that night, figuring she must have thrown him overboard on the street somewhere.  But he was gone. 

Dolly took a regular pacifier that night without a problem.  Still, as soon as I could, I got online and ordered three WubbaNubs - a giraffe, an elephant, and a monkey.  (And they are expensive little suckers.)  Dalai was waking up once in the night during this period, for some reason, and I was giving her a bottle and then putting her back down with her pacifier.*  I had a terrible time finding the tiny, clear little pacifier in the barely-lit room, and I missed Mr. Giraffe as much as I figured Dolly did.  I was thrilled when the replacements arrived a couple days later.  At her next nap time, I put Mr. Giraffe II in her mouth.  She promptly spit him out.  We tried repeatedly for days, and she would have none of it.  She was suddenly completely over Mr. Giraffe.  Perhaps the pitch from the stroller was deliberate - a heartless and abrupt end to a beautiful relationship.  R.I.P, Mr. Giraffe. 

* Right around the time babies are supposed to stop needing to eat during the night, Chava started waking up once - usually between 10:00 and 11:00 P.M. or around 4:00 A.M.  She didn't wake every night, but it wasn't infrequent.  This continued for a few (several?) weeks.  She almost always took a bottle when she woke, and she is so tiny and eats so little during the day that I couldn't bring myself to ignore her.  I'll risk jinxing it and say that it appears of late that she has cured herself and is back to sleeping a solid 12 hours.  Praise her. 


Bill Hastings said...

Sad -- no loyalty to an old friend!

Courtney said...

So sorry to see him gone. They had a good run.