Tuesday, May 15, 2012


The other day, I was putting away a plastic dry cleaner bag, and Ever thought it was the funniest thing to hit the world since the word "stroganoff."


You heard Jim, in the above video, ask about doing "the whistle."  Ever is a fan of regular whistling, as evidenced by her smile in the beginning of the video below.  Jim recently discovered, however, that when he does this weird sucking-in thing with his bottom lip, Ever is completely terrified.  We promised not to do this to her again after we captured it for posterity.


I think she's a sensitive one.  She melted down a few weeks ago when we took her to a gathering at some friends' house.  It was kind of bright and loud and there were a bunch of people all up on her.  Her startle reflex seems to be in overdrive.  The other day I went to get her up from a nap.  I'd heard her and knew she was awake.  I wasn't trying to be quiet or anything, and I walked over to the crib and said, "Hi, Dolly."  She jumped and then cried a little bit.  She startles even when I'm holding her and I speak after being quiet for a moment. 

In other news, she hasn't continued to wake, crying, in the middle of the night.  She is, however, still waking up around 5:00 A.M. or shortly thereafter ready to start the day.  She just squawks and talks and rustles around until I get her up at 6:00, but we can't sleep through it.  Then, of course, she's ready to go down for nap no. 1 by 6:30 or 7:00, since she's already been up a while.  I have to figure out how to get her to sleep later.  Maybe that would help her be less naptastic, which, in turn, would make it easier for me to leave the house. 


Bill Hastings said...
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Bill Hastings said...

Don't think I've ever seen such a little one laugh out loud like Ever!

Courtney said...

Amazing. The laughing is so great. And I love that you made her cry just so you could video it. Such great parents. Poor lil tenderheart.

Anna said...

Love plastic dry clean bags too. They are HILARIOUS. They get me every time.
Great stuff!!