Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Exotic Locale Photo Shoot

Jim instigated another photo shoot featuring Ever in various odd locations in our partially-built kitchen and TV room.

Wall art:

On the island:

(Jim wants it to look as if we just stumbled upon Ever hanging out in these weird places, but I think it's funnier to see him hiding.)

In the cabinetry:

Atop the speakers:

I love how much he loves his girl.  I keep taking pictures of them together on the couch.

I don't appear in very many of our pictures so far, which is probably best.  I'm usually not properly dressed or put together these days.  I am clothed in this one, though au naturel in the face: 

I held a photo shoot of my own the other day after I changed the wee one.  She just looked so cute. 

She's had terrible acne and a majorly flaking forehead for a couple weeks.  It seems to be a little better the last day or two, maybe.  We're hoping it resolves soon.  She's so ashamed. 

I realize I am posting millions of pictures of my baby.  That's what you get when you make me blog! 


Bill Hastings said...

Good show! Now keep them coming!

Anna said...

My kids had acne beyond belief. It was really hard not to pick at it, which is gross, right? And her hair is sooooooooooooo great. Love her. And love the frequent blogging. I've hit a wall. Gonna blog tomorrow.

Courtney said...

I am so in love. Her hair is phenomenal. And I love her in the cabinets and atop the speakers and when she matches Jim. And I love your commentary. More, please.

Shandra said...

She has such a sweet little face with so much expression! I can't get over the photo shoot session. Seriously, seeing Jim hiding while holding her was SO FUNNY! Aside from the sleep deprivation, and hour long of feeds, it looks like you guys are having a blast with her.