Monday, July 4, 2022

March 2021 - Mostly Big Bear, Skiing, and Wrenzy's Sixth Birthday

 Wrenzy talked about The Cat in the Hat at school.

Her answer for this project about what makes her grouchy: "when my mom doesn't let me do something." Wren Bear hates me so often. 

We had an amazing rainbow right over our house. 

We went to Big Bear and skied. Ever luxuriated on the ground while Wrenzy got pumped.

Tiny likes playing in the snow.  

During a Ticket to Ride night, we were quoting Home Alone when the girl says, "Kevin, you're what the French call 'les incompetents.'" It turned into a fun chant.

We recorded Ever playing a piece for an international music competition that Miss Violetta wanted her to enter. 

We had to submit a picture for her online profile. 

Ever tied with a few other people for fourth place, so that was exciting.

Berry has a made-up song she likes to sing really loudly in the car. It's almost angry-sounding, but she's happy. 

Wrenzy has loved, and been very sweet with, the bunny with the sewn-on crown she requested for Christmas. Usually she gently tucks the bunny into her own bed, but sometimes they cuddle.

On Saturday, March 20, we celebrated Berry's birthday. Jim got caramel apples, but Wrenzy doesn't like them and was very sad. (Ever, in contrast, is a big fan.) 

We did yellow cake with chocolate frosting with the Cikanek boys that night. I'm still trying to find a homemade yellow cake recipe that is better than a box. 

Sunday morning she opened her presents. Her sisters gave her nice cards and gifts. 

That very afternoon, they busted into the new craft kit Coco sent.

Wrenzy at six... She has the most tender heart. She is just like me in so many ways. She is very sensitive and takes a while to recover when she gets her feelings hurt. (My genes.) She is very loud when she wants to be, talks to herself a lot (including in a British accent), and does an incredible joker face (all me). She is the tiniest human. She is silly and funny. She's a total perfectionist (me); usually when she finishes something, she says, "It's horrible!" She has a hard time being social; big groups and new people are tough. ((Maybe she gets that from both parents?) She is super smart - great at math and a most stellar reader. She says her favorite nickname is "Sweet Cakes," which I call her sometimes, but she's OK with the plethora. Besides all the Bear-related names (including Berry, Berrington (Steele), Berrykins [which is in use now, as I write this, and was not really around in March 2021], and the like), she is Wrenzozah, Zozah, Zozie, and much more.  

Tiny started a dance class, and I find little people in leotards way too adorable. 

Ever did some sidewalk art to express her dislike of Thomas Edison.

Goosey also told the sidewalk-art readers that we were going to Big Bear at the end of March/beginning of April.

This time we got a fun cabin that had a game console the girls loved.  

We took a walk.

We visited the Alpine Zoo, where a bear napped right next to the window.

Berry took pictures of every single animal.

The girls enjoyed the play area.

I thoroughly enjoyed the snowy-mountains background. 'Tis a lovely setting for a zoo. 

At one point, all the animals in the zoo that howl started howling in concert. It went on a long time and was the coolest thing. I loved it so much.

The girls were all super into the snowy owl, even though it doesn't like to let us get a good look at it. 

We went on a walk on a trail, and the girls found and ate snow.

You can't really see it in this picture, but Tiny held out a handful of snow for a really long time as we walked because she hoped it would attract a snowy owl. Her hand was cold, but she persevered. Sweet Tines.

Berry had not brought a jacket, so she hijacked mine.

I took a lot of videos of the girls skiing because I was impressed at how well they were doing after only a couple of times. Paul and Susan's fam and Gary Oddou must have been skiing with us this day because apparently I tried to run into Gary while filming this video. 

Jim and Tiny finishing a run:

Wrenzy on the left in pink, and Ever on the right in red and black:

We watched a movie at the cabin.

While we were there, Jim and I signed the closing docs for our very own Big Bear cabin and met with Hunter of Big Bear's Concierge about helping us manage our property. Pretty exciting.