Ever turned eight on December 17. The Saturday before, Anna took Leela and Rafi, Ever, and Naomie Badillo (friend from school) to SeaWorld to celebrate. Anna had passes somehow. Naomie and Leela were both born on December 18, so this was Anna's present to the three girls. They had a great, long day. On the way home, the girls begged to sleep over at Leela's house. Anna called from the car, and Ever was completely shocked and ecstatic when I agreed. (Still struggling with the whole sleepover thing. Think we shouldn't do them, but sometimes ...)
My requirement for allowing Ever to sleep at Leela's was that she come home first thing in the morning for our family pancake breakfast and then church. The pancakes helped her not be sad about coming home right away.
The 17th was on a Tuesday. I switched my work day that week so I could be home. Ever opened our presents in the morning. Mostly I got her a bunch of clothes because I realized we never got her any before this school year, and she was in dire need.
We invited Naomie, Leela, and Ever's friends from church (Ella Rondo, Avery Walker, Kyra Nearents, and Chloe Bunnell) for a scavenger hunt, homemade pizza, and Rice Krispie treats. I spent a while online trying to find a good scavenger hunt. Then after I had prepared everything, I found in a file the scavenger hunt we did for Ever's fourth birthday, and it was practically the same. Talk about reinventing the wheel.
Shortly after we got on the trail, Avery Walker picked up some coyote poop and asked if it could count as something rough. Ella was like, "Ew, that's coyote poop!" Avery got this horrified look on her face. I calmly said, "Yeah, I think that's coyote poop. Let's put that down and wash our hands when we get home." We saw Anna and Rafi out there (they were looking for golf balls) and kind of joined up with them for a while.
There was a lovely sunset while we were out.
Back at home, while I got dinner ready, the girls dumped out their bags and showed one another what they'd found. In the process, a hitchhiking spider was released onto the table, but he was short-lived. Then we ate pizza, sang, and blew out candles on the Rice Krispie treats.
Then there were presents.
Ever also attended Naomie's birthday party at some point. It was a huge event with tons of family and food. Ever was so shy and freaked out when I dropped her off; she was clinging to me and didn't want me to leave. She didn't know anyone there but Naomie. She ended up having a great time, though. We were told to take a swimsuit. Naomie's mom said she hoped it would be warm enough to swim. The pool was not heated, though, so it was freezing. I think swimming was minimal. Ever was invited to sleep over, but we declined, and I picked her up late.
Tutu and Papa flew in late on Thursday, December 19, and we held Ever's baptism on Saturday the 21st. We thought it would be intimate and nice to come back to the house for treats afterward. I don't regret it, but it did take work to get the house prepared and bake all the things. Tutu and Papa helped a lot. We finished getting our house re-stuccoed the end of that week, so the exterior of the house was a mess. Lots of things had to be moved and cleaned and ordered. Pod helped Jim deal with that.
The baptism was at 6:00 P.M. on Saturday. Jim was adamant that we start on time, even though that has never happened in the history of latter-day baptisms. I supported that, but Trish grabbed Ever for a picture right around 6:00, which reminded me that I had not taken one yet.
I made Jim and Ever come out of the room really quick for a photo. Jim seriously tried to refuse but finally, very unhappily, relented. Tiny jumped into the shot and then Wren. Jim wouldn't let the photoshoot go longer than 10 seconds, on account of the need to start on time, so this was the best I could do:
Here was Ever's program (a wrinkled version):
It took me a really long time to create that basic document. Anyway, the program was wonderful. Ever just wanted one talk by Jim, who prepared nothing in advance and shared a sweet, short message from the heart. I thought since I'm her mom I'd get out of the Primary welcome, but she wanted me to do it instead of Auntie Melanie (my first counselor). Tutu and Papa did a bang-up job with the music. We were just going to have Tutu play the piano while Ever and Jim were getting dried off and changed. I was absolutely delighted when Ever and I walked back into the Relief Society room and found Papa leading everyone in Christmas carols. I thought, "Ah, of course we should sing Christmas songs!" Pod was very cute up there conducting.
A few friends from activity days joined Ever for the musical number. The original plan was to do a "Baptism"/"When I Am Baptized" mashup, but I got concerned when we tried to run through it the Sunday before. Despite Sara Walker's assurances that the girls could pull it off, I pulled the plug on the medley and convinced Ever that we should just do one song straight. She chose "When I Am Baptized" over "Baptism." That obviated the need for any further practice and allayed my stress. I told Sara her girls could harmonize at the end (which they'd been doing when we tried the mashup on Sunday), and that would jazz it up. Ella Rondo and Avery and Olivia Walker sang, plus Ever. That might have been it. Lelei Thompson was so late that she missed it (see below), and another friend who was going to be there didn't end up making it. I thought it would be cute if Wren and Tiny joined the singing group, but Ever didn't go for that. The girls were shy but did fine until the last line, when Avery and Olivia's attempt at harmony confused the others. The grand finale ended up not being so grand, but that's what I get for trying to jazz it up, especially without any practice.
Ever's Primary teacher, Helen Nichols, took notes of Ever's confirmation blessing. Based not at all on my memory and entirely on Sister Nichols's notes, I believe these things (or thereabouts) were said in her blessing: Ever is a very special young woman. She's sensitive; she sees suffering and helps. Jim admonished her to use that gift to bless Heavenly Father's children and said she can comfort her sisters, as well as friends at school and at church. She can be a light. She has a work to do, as we all do. She can be a blessing to others. Pray earnestly, daily, to be closer to Heavenly Father. Listen for instruction. Love. Be happy. Enjoy our wonderful earth and all our conveniences. Put Heavenly Father first, and other things will fall into place.
I got emotional during my Primary welcome, and then the whole thing ended at 6:30 P.M. We set a world record for shortest baptism, and I was so proud. It was perfect. I've realized there is no reason for them to be longer than that. I saw Amy and Lelei Thompson come in as we were singing the closing song. I heard later that when she walked in, Heidi Hawkins asked, "Are you just getting here?" Amy said, "Yeah, better late than never, right?" And Heidi said, "It's over!" Whoops.
We invited everyone to come back to the house for some of Ever's favorite treats, which meant we got some nice time with good friends. We provided chocolate mint cookies, pumpkin bars with cream cheese frosting, yellow cake with chocolate frosting (the making of which I delegated to Deb Moffat), a lemon bundt cake (which did not turn out as I wanted it to, but Ever still liked it), mint M&Ms, and some Dove chocolates of some sort. I think that's it. Trisha and Cali had to take off right after the baptism, but Jeremy came over and brought some of Trisha's salsa. I put it out with a bag of chips, and it was a hit.
Ever was so exhausted that she passed out on the bench by the kitchen table at 8:30.
I realized at the end of the night that I had not taken any pictures at all besides the couple right outside the Relief Society room. No family pictures. I was super bummed about that. We remedied by taking pictures after church the next day, with Ever in her white dress.
It was a lovely weekend, and it was special to have Tutu and Papa here.
Ever at eight years old: Her favorite color is still blue. Favorite foods are still pizza and treats, treats, treats. She is an incredibly sweet big sister. Wrenzy, especially, absolutely adores her. She is super bright - a math genius and a crazy fast reader. We call her a detective because she always has to know what's going on, what Jim and I are saying (confidentially) to each other, how many treats others have eaten and what size they were, etc. She can be super silly, but on the whole she is generally more mature than her peers. She loves crafting, knitting, sewing, and otherwise creating, which is difficult for me. She says (not in these words) that my lack of ability/interest in such things is my big failing. She is looking forward to growing up and has a concerning interest in romance. She used to have eyes only for Jim, but now she's going through a phase when she's all about me. She snuggles with me in the morning (while Tiny goes to Jim) and always asks me to sit next to her at dinner. She wants to sit on my lap when we read and just generally wants all my affection and attention. I mostly eat it up and wonder how long it will last. Ever is a delight, and Jim always tells her how grateful we are that she came first and kicked off our family.