Forty-one degrees, to be exact.
We bundled up in all the layers when we got there. I convinced Wrenzy to wear the size 5 ski jacket that I'd brought more for Ever than for her.
Despite definitely starting at the trailhead sign, we could not find the trail. At all. Like maybe for a few feet it seemed as if we were on the trail, and then it was just fallen trees and debris and beaver habitat everywhere.
We looked and looked but finally gave up after probably 45 minutes. I was really upset about failing for such a stupid reason, especially since there was a review on All Trails by someone who had hiked the trail within the last week or so. I still don't understand how in the world we couldn't find the trail, but we really couldn't.
Dejected, we hit the bathroom before we headed out of the forest.
We'd made plans to meet up with old friends from the L.A. singles ward, Jon and Chris Bennion, in Eugene that evening. We headed to Eugene, had a late lunch, and squeezed in a very quick trip to the University of Oregon art museum (at Ever's vehement request) before it closed. Then we headed to the Bennions' and had a lovely visit and enjoyed some yummy pizza with their family. They have three boys, but as is typical with our shy clan, none of our girls exchanged a word with any of their boys.