First up was this crazy toppled tree on which Ever would have liked to play all day. (She's in the hat toward the top.)
I wish I'd gotten more pictures up the canyon, but things got rough for a bit. I had to get Tiny up, and Tutu needed a boost. Then Wrenzy started freaking out when she had to go up a giant ladder. She did great and got all the way up the ladder, but then she fully lost her mind and refused to go any farther, even though we were nearly at the top and the rest was easy. I stood off to the side on a little ledge with her while she cried. Eventually we made it to the top.
We realized that Ever wasn't with us. I figured she must have gone ahead and kept thinking we'd spot her as we headed down the hill, but we didn't. I was quite sure she was fine but became increasingly nervous. I texted Lauren Foulger and Rene Clark and asked if Ever were with them, but I didn't get a response right away. At the bottom of the hill, Wrenzy and Tiny did some log walking and tree climbing.
I left them with Tutu and Papa and ran ahead to find Ever. Of course she was back at the toppled tree having the time of her life with all the friends.
Back at home, we had dinner and watched Home Alone 2. Wrenzy was intrigued but also terrified. She could only watch while peeking out from behind the island.