Monday, November 26, 2018

September Home Life

Reading is still a favorite pastime around here.

Sam, Tess, and Rue Hawkins came down from Manhattan Beach for a weekend. We fed them yummy pizza upon arrival Friday night. Saturday morning, the Hawkins girls initiated a roly poly hunt. Ever and Wren were really interested in catching roly polies but were scared to touch them. The girls got plastic bags to put their critters in, and initially my girls would only touch the bugs through extra bags on their hands. Eventually, however, they dropped their makeshift gloves and started going after them barehanded. The rolies provided hours of backyard fun. Nathan Cikanek joined in the festivities, too.

Wren, Tess, and Rue:

Sometimes my kids get anti-social and opt for, say, reading, over playing with visiting friends. Jim indulged them.

Wrenzy showed off the fruits of her labors.

They ended up catching probably hundreds of the things. Somebody dropped a bag inside the house, and that was not OK with me. In the end, the bags were left outside, and the rolies escaped. The girls were sad, and I was relieved. Sam and his girls left that afternoon. It was fun to have them. Ever and Wren are really big fans of Tess and Rue.

Tiny lives in her "Anna/Elsa" dresses. This is how we went grocery shopping one morning after school drop-off - Anna/Elsa dress for Tiny, jammies and Anna/Elsa purse for Wrenzy. We're not winning any awards for style.

I got excellent facial expressions inside.

Tiny tried, unsuccessfully, to make a castle out of yogurt.

I always have the littles help me unload the dishwasher. They do a really good job, except for the time that Tiny put the silverware in my back pockets instead of in the drawer.

Tiny got an insane, full-body rash that lasted for days. The picture doesn't do it justice. It was really, really awful. Apparently it was just caused by a virus. She seems to be rather rash-prone.

Naked Zoza helped me clean one day. Ever wouldn't get out of the frame, but I had to record Wrenzy Swiffering the floor and singing, "I don't know if I'm related to gassy..." from Frozen. (The real line is, "I don't know if I'm elated or gassy, but I'm somewhere in the zone."

After the Swiffer, she got into vacuuming and went all around the family room with the attachment. She even folded the rug up to get underneath it. I was so proud of my little perfectionist.

Jim had the idea of Pippi Longstocking for Ever's dress-like-a-movie-character day at school. He found and cut wire that worked great. I looked at some pictures of Pippi and then selected the best clothes I could find in her closet. We did eyeliner freckles, too. I thought she looked amazing. We really nailed it for a throw-together-at-the-last-second costume.

Creative play:

The girls love the song "Angela" by The Lumineers. Wren and Tiny think the line "Home at last" in the chorus is "Hope a-la," and that's what they call the song. One afternoon, we had Pandora on, and Tiny said, "I want Hope A-la." Shortly after that, the song happened to come on, and before I had even identified it in my head, she exclaimed, "It's Hope A-la!" 

All of the girls are very opinionated about music (and clothes, for that matter). They know what they like and what they don't like.

The destruction of the bedroom and bathroom continued. Jim and Ever surveyed the damage.

Jim had to take out these giant support beams along where the old closets were. When he cut down the first one, he was scared it would be so heavy that it could put a hole through the floor when it fell. He situated a board underneath it to break the fall and calculated well. 

The side of the room with the closets removed:

We had a lot of debris in our entryway for a while.

Jim let me hire a big French Canadian named Pierre from Clear Junk Removal to haul it all to the dump the week we left for Coco's house. It was so great to get rid of it (especially because rat droppings had appeared around the mess, to my horror).

Jim has left our bedroom and bathroom carpet and amenities to the extent possible. The toilet is still useable, but you have to step through a door frame across a little floorless section, staying to the left side of the door opening, and then step left to the toilet. Immediately past the door opening on the right side is a pile of tools, debris, and all sorts of junk. It looks like this:

One night Wrenzy cried for me, and I got up quickly and went to her. I should have waited to see if she'd go back to sleep, and I certainly should have waited to get my bearings. But I didn't. I was kind of out of it because I hadn't been asleep very long and was so exhausted. I felt how I used to feel when I got up with babies in the night - a little unsteady and fuzzy-headed. I went to Wrenzy, and she just wanted something dumb like for me to put her blanket on her. I decided to use the bathroom while I was up. I made it in the dark to the door frame pictured above and stepped through with my left foot. When I stepped with my right foot, though, I stepped into the mess on that side and went down. I cried out. Jim got up and asked if I were OK. I said I was, but a minute later I turned on the light and saw that I was bleeding. He got back up and fetched me a Band-Aid. It was a pretty good slice.

Jim and I have talked forever about putting artificial grass in the back yard. It's just not right to water lawns here, and he can't keep the lawn how he likes it anyway. He plants this beautiful, fine grass, and then "bad grass," as he calls it, comes in and takes over. He has planted and replanted this yard several times. He agreed not to do it again because we're just going to put in turf. But he couldn't help himself. The man is unstoppable when it comes to the yards. The morning we left for DC, he was outside poisoning the bad grass so he can reseed one more time.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Master Bath Demo

Jim and I finally figured out a way, we think, to fix our lame master bedroom/bathroom. After many hours of brainstorming, we came up with a plan to take out the wall of closets in our room, turn a big portion of the existing bathroom into a walk-in closet, and redo/add to the other existing portion of the bathroom. It is a crazy huge project. We talked to a couple of contractors about turning the loft in the garage into a room and a bunch of other work, and they said it would cost a fortune. We'd thought about tacking the garage onto the loft project if we hired someone, but now we're not hiring anyone and Jim is doing it himself.

He was burned out on home renovations for a long time, but he got pretty pumped when he started this in August.

My favorite was when he was doing the demo and called out to me, "I've got the fever!" 

He took out the wall between our bathroom and the hallway by the other bedrooms.

He took out several more walls. 

Ever helped remove nails and cart out drywall. Jim paid her a quarter per load of drywall she carried downstairs in a large garbage can. 

I haven't taken a lot of pictures, but I think I have later ones that show additional destruction. I'm posting these from August in an effort to stay chronological. In any case, that is the beginning of a very long, very insane project.

Videos & Jim's Birthday

A few videos to remember the girls at this age. Wrenzy counting:

Tiny wearing her "dance class" (tutu):

Wrenzy was trying to ask for spaghetti, and she just couldn't get the word right. She said it over and over but of course pretty much stopped when I started filming.

Jim's birthday was on a Tuesday this year. The Sunday before, Ever decorated the house while he napped. 

She decked out a chair, too, with crepe paper, ribbons, and a balloon, but I didn't get a picture of that. The tape ripped a bunch of paint off, so it's a good thing we don't care about those chairs. We made a yellow cake with chocolate frosting that day, and the girls made Jim a lovely card. He and I went to dinner and a movie at some point. That was the extent of the celebration.

I got to the gym once, and the littles' outfits seemed unusually coordinated.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

First Day of School

We squeezed in haircuts at Super Cuts before school started. All three girls got trims. Tiny had never had hers cut before and wasn't very cooperative. Once she was able to sit on my lap and have a sucker, she was OK.

The stylist may have been too preoccupied by her upcoming wedding because she did a terrible job. I had to take Wren back to get her hair fixed. Tiny's hair is crooked but is not bad enough that I did anything about it.

Ever started first grade on August 20. We really had to scramble to get there on time. Wrenzy went in a flower-girl dress (an Amelie hand-me-down from David's Bridal), and Tiny went in jammie pants. This is the only pic I got:

For her first day of Little Bugs Preschool that Wednesday, Wrenzy selected a lovely business-casual outfit.

Tiny hopped in the frame, and getting a decent photo was impossible.

I tried again at Miss Paula's and was pleased with the results. Jim and I can't agree on which of these adorable photos is better.

A bunch of kids from the ward are in Wrenzy's class, including three other kids who live in Henie Hills. We paired up for carpooling, so that's handy. Miss Paula took this of the class:

Ever wasn't a big fan of her teacher, Mrs. Christian, although I'd heard she was decent. A week or two into school, we were notified that Ever was being moved into a new first-grade class that was being created due to over-enrollment. The teacher, Mr. Quarrie, came over from another Oceanside school. When I told her the news, Ever claimed suddenly to really like Mrs. Christian. She was upset about leaving her friend Gracie in Mrs. Christian's class, wary of a male teacher, and just generally traumatized about the change. She broke down crying after her first day with Mr. Quarrie but quickly became a big fan and is doing great. I think the change was definitely for the best.

JoAnn's Kids Reunited

JoAnn got the old gang together for a Chuck E. Cheese outing in August. Ever, Cash and Saylor (twins), and Drew were all babysat by JoAnn as babies. It had been a long time since they'd all been together, and they had a good time.

JoAnn texted an old picture of them as babies: 

It's crazy how big they've gotten!

Raising Nerds and Mess-Makers

Ever finished second-grade Jiji math (the computer program they use at school) before first grade started. She didn't do much over the summer but got in the last little bit shortly before school began.

Ella came over to play, and Ever suggested that they play Scrabble. (We'd recently introduced Ever to the game.) We taught Ella how it works, and they did their best. The words were short, which made them hard to build on, but I loved that that was what Ever wanted to do.

The littles went through a phase when they were constantly taking Jim and my books off the shelf in the living room, "reading" them, and leaving them about.

The Saturday after school started (first-day pictures to be posted separately), Ever read an entire Kitty Magic book. She brought it into our room in the morning and looked like a teenager as she read.

The littles decided to join in the fun.

Within a few hours, Ever had finished the whole book. I didn't feel as if we really read that much over the summer, but man, has Goosey become a great reader.

In mess news, the littles like to put as much as they can into bags and backpacks and carry them around the house. This day, Wrenzy stuffed her clothes in a backpack, which she then brought downstairs and unloaded.

The littles often play so nicely together, but oh, the messes!

In other news, I was going to finally toss the tent Coco gave us some Christmases ago because the lean had gotten out of control.

Then later that same day, I found the girls playing in it.

I did eventually toss it, so that's opened up some more room in which the girls can make messes.