Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Florida in March: Breakfast, Boat Ride, Aquarium

Tuesday, March 13, we went to a breakfast place that had the worst crepes but was otherwise OK. Tiny played with sugar packets while we waited for our food.

We picked up Grandpa, Dawn, and Ed in our giant van and headed to the port to catch a cruise. Wrenzy and Grandpa were loving each other this trip. It was cute to see them together.

We hadn't packed many warm clothes, and the weather in Florida turned out to be wonderfully cool and comfortable during our visit. That meant the boat ride was really cold, but we did OK. Also Tiny had luxurious hair.

We saw manatees (no pics) and dolphins.

Jim wrangled the littles.

I love when Wren puts her arm around Tiny.

We went to dinner at a place we went to last time in Jensen Beach (I think) that has a fabulous little area for kids to play. Then we said goodbye to Grandpa and drove with Dawn and Ed to a house in Kissimmee, where we stayed that night so we'd be closer to the airport for our flights out on Wednesday.

Jim drove Dawn and Ed to the airport super early Wednesday morning. Then we debated sticking around the house to use the pool but decided to try a popular breakfast place (vacation food is a priority for Jim) and then go to the aquarium in Orlando. The restaurant was a disappointment, but at least it provided fun bendy things for the girls to play with while we waited for our food.

I was afraid we wouldn't have time for the aquarium before we had to get to the airport, but the aquarium is small and only takes about 45 minutes to get through. The timing worked out perfectly, and the girls enjoyed it.

It was a lovely visit with the Kringel side. Ever is totally infatuated with her Auntie Dawn. She always had to sit next to her. They played games in the car, including an amazing version of 20 questions in which Ever thought of a number and Dawn asked questions to figure out the number, such as, "Is it a multiple of five? Is it bigger than 50? Is it a prime number? Is it divisible by two?" It was very cute. When Ever woke up Wednesday morning and discovered that Dawn and Ed had already left, she was inconsolable about not getting to say goodbye. I love how much Ever loves her family. My big Florida fail was not getting a picture of us all! 

We were split into two rows on the flight home. We had two seats in one row and two seats in the row behind it. We weren't sure how to situate ourselves because Ever and Wren had to sit next to each other to watch shows on my laptop, but then they wouldn't have an adult with them. A super nice lady in one of the rows offered to move anywhere to make it easier for us. We couldn't make a decision, so we ended up starting off with her in the window seat and Ever next to her, with Wren on the other side of Ever. The lady and Ever became fast friends. I wish I could remember the stuff I overheard because it was incredible. Ever talked her ear off. It was hilarious. I felt bad for the lady because she said it was her first flight without any kids in several years, and here she was babysitting ours the entire time. It was adorable how Ever latched onto her, though. I can't imagine that I would have chatted with a strange adult like that. 

I heard them talking about church and asked Ever later how it had come up. She said she wanted to find out if the lady went to church, so she asked her if she celebrates Christmas. The lady said yes. Ever asked why, and the lady said because she believes in Jesus. So then I think Ever asked her if she goes to church and where, and it turned out that the woman was LDS. I was amazed by how thoughtful Ever was in broaching the subject. Sometimes that girl seems so mature. 

Anyway, after Ever talked her to death for probably two hours, the lady gave her a little knitting lesson, and the two of them sat and knit together. At one point, I had to make Ever come into the other row and leave her new best friend. (Can't remember why there needed to be some seat swapping.) Ever totally lost it and cried. Eventually I told her she could ask the lady if she could go back up by her. She did, the lady said yes, and Jim lifted Ever over the seats into that row. Of course Ever freaked out again after we landed when she realized the woman had gotten off the plane and Ever wasn't going to be able to say goodbye. (They had discussed the fact that the woman hadn't checked bags so wouldn't be going to baggage claim.) I wished I had her name and address so I could thank her for being so incredibly nice. 

Ever was obsessed with knitting after that and begged me to buy her some yarn as soon after we returned home as possible. I did, but by that time she'd forgotten what the lady had taught her. I, of course, don't know anything, so the yarn has not been used. Ever got the wrong mom. She needs someone who can help her be crafty. Sad for her.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Florida in March: Tooth Fairy & Lion Country Safari

On Sunday night (March 11), Goosey lost a bottom tooth. Jim was going to go out to get cash but discovered he had a $5 bill, so we decided that the Tooth Fairy in Florida is just super generous compared to our regular Tooth Fairy, who gives $1 per tooth. Goosey was very excited the next morning and promptly wrote the Tooth Fairy a thank-you note, which she left under her pillow that night. Showing off the hole and the note:

I loved so much that she did that. 

NOTE: The day I am writing this, Sunday, May 6, Ever came into the bathroom where I was getting ready for church and asked if the Tooth Fairy isn't real and if Daddy and I didn't have a one-dollar bill and that's why the Tooth Fairy in Florida gave her five. She really wanted to know, and she's pretty relentless. I told her the truth. Then she asked if the elves at Christmas aren't real, if I buy stuffed ones every year and Daddy and I move them around. I tried to evade by saying I don't buy stuffed ones every year (because I use the same ones), but ultimately I had to confess that, too. I hoped she'd stop there, but nope - she moved on to Santa. She asked if Santa is not real and if it's somebody dressing up. The floodgates were opened. So as of today, my six-year-old no longer believes in any made-up holiday characters, all because of that $5 bill. Whoops. I hope she doesn't ruin these things for other kids.

Monday we went to Lion Country Safari. I didn't take any pictures during the drive-through portion this year. The lions weren't as close or active this go-around, but it's always fun to see all the animals. The girls, however, are probably most interested in the amusement park area.

Uncle Ed took Wrenzy on a little ride. He had to start by himself (pretty cute) but finally coaxed her on.

Ever was OBSESSED with going on the water slide. It's all she could talk about that morning before we got there. I warned her repeatedly that she probably wouldn't be tall enough. To my surprise, she made the cutoff because turns out it doesn't actually end in a pool. She was so happy and went down it several times. Tiny was very upset about not being able to join her.

Jim took a turn on the water slide, too.

Ever also enjoyed the "Fun Slide," which lived up to its name.

I got the littles into their swimsuits, and Jim ran out to the car to get the sunscreen I'd left there. Once all were ready, Jim and the girls hit the splash area. Wrenzy tried, unsuccessfully, to put her hair in the fountain.

These next two pictures are my favorite. Jim appears to be torturing Wren.

We had to buy an overpriced towel there since we hadn't thought to bring any. The biggers cozied up, trying to get warm and dry, next to Grandpa.

As I was dressing the girls, the power to the whole park went off. We went to feed the giraffes (no power needed), as did a bunch of other people.

They are incredibly beautiful creatures.

We headed home after that. We couldn't ride any more rides without power, and Grandpa was pretty spent anyway. Wrenzy collected leaves as we walked.

I believe after that we just had dinner and went home.