Sunday, November 26, 2017

Santa Fe: Bakery Crawl and Tent Rocks

Jim wanted to do a bakery crawl. Over a three-day period, we ate a lot of pastries and related items. Wrenzy enjoyed some coffee cake Wednesday morning (Oct. 19). There's no chance Jim and I are not passing down our eating disorders to our kids.

Then we went to Tent Rocks, which is a really, really cool place. We took a lot of pictures.

Anna pretty much took Ever under her wing and took care of her all day. She and Rob helped her with her junior rangers tasks at the top. 

Ever really wanted to go with Anna to pick up Clara from school, and Anna kindly obliged. Apparently they discussed many different topics during the drive, including non-compete clauses and food. Anna said Ever told her, "My mom makes many different types of dinners, but I don't really care for them. I really only like treats." I like that she seems to recognize that I try. Anna also said Ever was a little celebrity at Clara's school because Clara had told all her friends about her. "Oh, you're Ever!" 

During the previous day's hike, Jim had promised Ever Baskin Robbins ice cream. For some reason, he voluntarily increased the offer to a double scoop in a waffle cone. (Inexplicable.) Then it got late, and Jim told Ever that if she agreed to postpone Baskin Robbins one day, she could have ice cream at Rob and Anna's house Tuesday night and then Baskin Robbins Wednesday. She had a huge bowl of Rob and Anna's ice cream Tuesday, and then Wednesday night Jim really did get her a giant waffle cone with a double scoop. She couldn't eat it all (thank goodness) and left the second scoop - mint chip - for me, which hurt because I had already eaten a cone of my own. Like I said - eating disorders. This is a terrible picture, but I'll include it for the record:

Santa Fe: Valles Caldera (Longmire Cabin) and Las Conchas

Tuesday, October 17 we went to Valles Caldera. It seems like a huge, wondrous place to explore, but we just had time to hit the Longmire cabin (after Ever got her first junior ranger badge). I want to live here.

Ever really, really wanted to climb while we were in Santa Fe, and I was fully supportive. Rob was kind enough to haul a bunch of gear and set us up with a top rope at Las Conchas. While he was getting everything ready, all three girls climbed anything they could.

Once Rob got the rope up, Ever was eager to go. She was a little scared when it came right down to it, though, so she let Jim go first. He got a ways up but came to a point he couldn't get past. After he came down, he said he couldn't feel his hands. Still, Ever was certain she could get to the top in five seconds. (That's a quote.)

Turns out it was really hard, especially for someone the size of a five-year-old. She was determined to reach the top, but it just wasn't possible. 

After Ever finally gave up, I went and got stuck at the same spot Jim did. I didn't think I could do it, but eventually I made it all the way up. It was fun. Unfortunately we were running out of time, so Rob forwent his turn so we could start hiking. I was taking stuff to the car and turned back to see Ever free solo climbing up another spot. When Jim saw her, he got a little freaked out and climbed after her.

She would not stop until she summited.

Once Jim and Ever got back down, we headed to the river to start hiking. We said goodbye to Anna, who had to leave to pick up Clara, and then hiked with Rob as far as we had time for. It's a lovely spot.

Tiny is obsessed with her "wa-wa." It seemed incredibly uncomfortable, but she insisted on cuddling with her sippy cup.

Rob showed off his free soloing skills.

Ever wanted to climb all the giant boulders.

Wren wanted to go swimming. We told her it was freezing, but she took off all her clothes and got in up to her ankles.

Ever really enjoyed the bouncy bridges.