Our lives aren't very exciting these days, and I'm OK with that. Sometimes I'm afraid I've lost the will to try to do anything ever, but I'm hoping that when the girls are a little older and more self-sufficient, I'll regain some motivation. Time will tell.
These are the little miscellaneous November moments I captured in pictures. All else (besides a hike and Thanksgiving, which will get separate posts) is forgotten.
I thought this sleep position of Wren's was interesting:
I put off a Costco trip for months and months. When I finally went, it was quite an ordeal because my shopping list had grown so long. I piled the cart crazy high and didn't get a couple things I wanted because there was no room in the inn. I could barely push the cart. Several hundreds of dollars were spent. I was a spectacle.
Susan went a day or two later and asked if I needed anything. I requested a couple items I hadn't gotten. The store double-charged her for my paper towels, so I had to go back to get a refund. The parking lot was insane, and I hated the excursion. The littles were loving and adorable in the cart, though.
We went on our first family run since before Jim ruptured his Achilles. It was good to be back. We passed a street named after Tiny Tot:
Wrensday loves Daniel Tiger (PBS show inspired by Mister Rogers' Neighborhood). The episodes teach lessons and use little ditties to do so. When we were potty training, I showed her the snippet on potty training. "If you have to go potty, stop, and go right away. Flush and wash and be on your way." The song has been sung many, many times around here.
We decided that we should spend regular one-on-one time with the older girls. The second weekend of each month is to be Ever's date night, and the third weekend Wren's. Jim and I will alternate who takes which kid. Last month I took Ever out, and he took Wren. This month he should have taken Ever out on the second weekend, and I should take Wren on the third weekend. It appears, however, that we may be canceling dates this month due to holiday busyness. We'll have to resume in January.
On our date, Ever and I started out at Yogurtland.
Then we went to Barnes and Noble, where she sat on my lap and we read some books. No buying; just reading. I imagined some big heart-to-heart conversation. No such deep talk occurred, but I imagine it's still good for Jim and me to make ourselves available regularly in a more intimate setting so that when things do arise, the girls will be able to talk to us.
Jim and Wren did the same thing on their date the following weekend, although he bought her a coloring book with pencils because he's the nicer parent.
One day I wanted Wren out of my hair, so I asked Ever to distract her. Before I knew it, she had nearly finished turning them into kitties with marker.
For a brief period after that, she wanted to start a little face-painting business by setting up a stand outside. I told her we didn't really have the proper supplies, and eventually she stopped asking about it.
The day after the cat-face incident, Wrenzy tried to mimic Ever's handiwork and draw on herself. Then she made a mess trying to clean her face. The pen didn't come off so well, but after a few days, she looked as good as new.
Jim's longtime roommate, Mark Harwood, and his family were in the area the week of Thanksgiving. We went with them to Roy and Karen Bunnell's for dinner on Sunday and then met them at the Safari Park Wednesday afternoon. Inexplicably, and unbeknownst to anyone, Wren threw away the water container I'd brought for her and Tiny right at the entrance to the park. Tiny does not know how to drink out of regular cups yet and is very attached to her water, so it was a tough day. I didn't believe Wren when she said she'd thrown it away, but Jim found it right in the garbage can at the entrance on our way out. He promptly gave it to Tiny without so much as a rinse. I was horrified, but Tyna was pleased to be reunited with her beloved wa-wa.
Ever learned about bats at BASE (her before-school program) and loves them. We didn't have a lot of time that afternoon at the Safari Park, but we made the bat house a priority. Those things are possibly the most disgusting creatures on Earth.
Usually it's Mercedes Wrenz trying to love on Tyna (who doesn't like it), but one day Tyna was really feeling the love for her biggest sis.
In an effort to be festive, we went to the Christmas tree lighting at the Forum Carlsbad mall. Santa and Mrs. Claus ride in on a sleigh and light the giant tree, and then there's music and a light show and bubbles and "snow" (soap). Parking was impossible, and it was really crowded. We watched Santa from a second-floor balcony and then went down close to the stage afterward to enjoy the bubbles/snow. The girls seemed to enjoy it, and the fake snow seemed a little magical and made me emo because I'm weird like that. Tiny's diaper soaked through, so we had to find a bathroom and deal with that. We were going to hit up the free refreshments but didn't want to wait in lines. Instead, we picked up some Ben & Jerry's Tonight Dough ice cream and gave the girls a bowl at home before bed. Tiny carried the ice cream through the store and all the way out to the car.
We hosted a Wednesday-afternoon playdate involving Ever, Leela, Lelei, and Ella. It was not ideal. There was lots of, "Why won't you two let us play with you?" and "You're telling secrets, and that's mean," etc. I think Ever is better at other people's houses, but she often has a hard time at playdates at our house. Right off the bat, Ella said Ever hurt her feelings, and Ever ran upstairs and pouted because she didn't think she'd done anything wrong. Drama, drama. Not my flave. At the end, they went outside and took turns climbing up onto the very top bar, scooting across it, and sliding down the beam on the other side. Ever had done it before. Ella is up for anything athletic and/or adventurous. Leela looked completely petrified but did it a couple times anyway because of the peer pressure. Lelei got up there but was too scared to go through with it. The other girls were saying things like, "Are you scared?" Of course Lelei got upset that they were making fun of her for being scared.
Kristi hosted the following week. Leela didn't participate in that one, but another neighbor girl did. Kristi said there were more of the same problems, although she thought they were mostly instigated by Lelei. We'll keep trying, but so far the bigger playdates aren't turning out how we'd hoped.
Mamo asked me if Wren has taken all the clothes out of the drawers again. I said no. Then a few days later, I found Tiny like this:
The damage was not as extensive, but it made me laugh since Mamo had just asked.
Ever's school had a lockdown on November 30 because the police lost sight of a suspect by some railroad tracks not too far from the school. I got a call from the school and then a text from the teacher at BASE. (Ever was at the before-school program at the time.) I wasn't super freaked out, but given all the gun violence in this country in recent years - particularly at schools - it's really horrifying to think of what could happen. A friend who also has kids at Palmquist happened to be driving by the school right at the beginning of the lockdown - before she knew anything about it - and saw all these cops all over with guns drawn. She called and was told the school was on lockdown, and she couldn't go in. She was pretty shaken. Anyway, the BASE teacher texted Jim and me to tell us what was going on and then later to tell us it was over. Jim's response at the end made me choke up: "I would die without Ever."
He loves his girls so much. In fact, he's told me that he would never leave me, even if I cheated on him, because he couldn't handle not seeing his girls every day. I'm told not all dads love their kids like that. I'm so grateful my girls' father does.