Thursday, February 7, 2013

Hanging at Home

Thought I'd post the pictures I've taken of Dolly since we've been home so I'd be all up to date by our Reno trip. 

When we got back from our Christmas trip, California was FREEZING.  I took Dolly out in the stroller a few times during the cold fronts.  She always takes her little sock-shoes off immediately, and sometimes she throws them out of the stroller (without my realizing it until we pass them on the street later).  When I put a blanket on her, she kicks it up to expose her legs.  She'd rather freeze.  This was Dolly just down the driveway, in a freakishly large size-12-months jacket, sock-shoes already off:

Now that Dolly's walking, she likes to carry things around the house.  I put her purse on her the other day, and then she made some rounds carrying a book and a ball:

Fun with shoes:

We've kept some of her toys in a shoebox.  She likes to climb into it:

Shortly after I took that picture, she got out of the box and then tried to get back in.  She got confused about which side was which and slipped trying to get into the lid.

She likes thrashing around on the couch.  During the cold, dry spell, her hair would instantly look like this:

My final note on Dolly is that she is obsessed with Jim.  All day long it's "dada."  She hears a creak by the door and says "dada."  She looks at the pictures of Jim and me on the wall and points and says "dada."  She hears him come home or hears his voice or his power tools when we're upstairs and says "dada."  It's crazy.  What does a mama have to do to get some love? 

Friday, February 1, 2013

Christmas in Hawaii: Fireworks, Final Beach Day, Pretty Walks, & Sick Baby

New Year's Eve day, we Kringels stayed home in the afternoon so I could see Devon.  The rest of the fam went to Spencer Beach Park. 

That night we enjoyed some fun fireworks.  I started out in a beach chair but discovered that I had to move around to escape smoke and to keep the fireworks in view.  Plus Cornyee and I joined the boys in lighting and throwing some of the fireworks (those jumping jack ones), so I had to be up and at 'em. 

Betsy did sparkler after sparkler after sparkler.  She just held them still and stared at them, and when one burned out, she came straight over for another. 

Tristan was scared at first but finally got into the sparkler spirit:

Pod wowed us all with his backward-cursive-writing abilities:

Cornyee tried her hand at writing "2013."  After a successful "3," she discovered that it only works with cursive.

Tristan hated the noise and kept his fingers in his ears almost the whole time:

We got some exciting fountain-type fireworks:

I really enjoyed trying to light the jumping jacks (I don't know their real name) and then throw them so they'd explode in the air.  Many exploded in trees or on the pineapples or other vegetation.  Some of that was accidental; some, not so much.  Good times. 

We had planned to go to the volcano on New Year's Day (Tuesday), but Deetrix and Bets woke up sick.  So instead, some of us walked down to the new nature trail. 

Dolly ate and chillaxed in her stroller:

It's so amusing to me that she relaxes with her hands behind her head.  Where did she get that?  Jim and I don't ever sit like that.

Dolly rocked an 80's-inspired side pony.  I know these pictures are duplicative, but she's too cute to cut either of them:

Family photo attempt:

The crew, minus Cwon, at the end of the line:

When Cornyee posted this picture on Facebook, Deetrix commented: 
"Tristan is awesome.  How come no one's watching him?"

We took the road instead of the trail on the way back:

We Kringels and the sickies stayed home in the afternoon while the others went to the beach.  Daddy/daughter playtime:

Many days during this trip began with chocolate chip danishes and other goodies from KTA.  Jim and I were always up early with Chow Mein, so we started taking early-morning walks to KTA to pick up the doughnuts and enjoy Waimea in the morning.  We took one of these walks on January 2. 

We saw a bunch of turkeys at the Morales' property down the hill.  When she saw them, Dolly said, "Dog!"

Dolly enjoyed the wind in her hair:

Our little muppet:

Resting after we got back:

Later that day, we had our beach finale at Mauna Lani.  It was absolutely lovely, and Dolly got in her first surf sesh. 

The turtle returning to the sea:

Jim taught Ever how to bodyboard:

Getting ready to stand:

 Jim would let go of Dolly, and then Shandie would catch her on the beach.

Once, Dolly fell off and was completely submerged in the water before Shandie could rescue her.  Jim made sure she was OK . . .

. . . and then she got back on the horse:

Practicing her stance:

After her bodyboarding lesson, Dolly, Coco, and I went for a swim:

The wee girls also had some sand play time:

We said goodbye to Deetrix, Shandie and co., who had to fly out that afternoon.  Cwon and we Kringels spent a little longer at the beach and then stopped to watch the eels on our way out:

After the Bets/Dee illness of January 1, we planned to go to the volcano on Thursday, January 3.  Unfortunately, it was my turn to be sick that day.  I woke up feeling nauseated.  We canceled the volcano plans.  Devon came up with her dog to see Ever and me once last time.  We hung out in the yard for a little while.  Then we said goodbye, and I went inside and threw up in the kitchen sink.  

I still wasn't feeling quite normal that afternoon but decided I had to get out.  We went for a walk on Mana Road.  It would have been insanely perfect except for the fact that it was really, really cold, and we were all underdressed.  It was so clear, though, and beautiful.  I love that place so very much. 

My favorite shed in the world:

Dolly started getting fuss face, so Jim carried her for the second half.

Maybe she was just angry in the stroller because it blocked the wind.

Friday was the third volcano attempt.  Dolly had a fever that day.  We got about halfway to Hilo before Jim made the executive decision that we had to turn around and take Dolly home.  She was losing her mind in the car seat.  So we gave up on the volcano once and for all.  Jim stayed home with Ever that afternoon/evening while the rest of us went to Kona to watch The Hobbit.  Pod and I slept through the beginning but were able to enjoy the (less boring) rest of it.  Then we had a young woman from the ward come over and babysit while all the big people enjoyed a delicious dinner at Merriman's.  Dolly slept almost the whole day.  Jim said he put her down for her afternoon nap at 2:00 P.M. and then woke her up at 7:00 P.M. to feed her.  I put her back down at 7:45 P.M. before we left for dinner, and the babysitter didn't hear from her.

Saturday morning we walked to KTA again, but this time we took the trail across the stream on the way there.  I bundled Dolly and myself up (in matching outfits) because the mornings had been so cold. 

Serious face.

It was incredibly windy, as it had been for days.  Despite the wind, I got extremely hot shortly after we set out.  I got the sweatshirt off as soon as possible. 

As I was changing Dolly later that day, her lips and hands were purple, and her hands were shaking in big, jerky movements.  Jim became concerned that she wasn't getting enough oxygen, so we decided we'd better take her in to the ER.  While we were getting checked in, she turned pink/red again, and the fever hit - 104 degrees.  We spent a couple hours at the hospital and had to hang out in a hallway waiting for the doctor most of the time because all the rooms were full.  Pod was so nice; he'd been at work and came and hung out the whole time.  Mamo, meanwhile, worried herself sick at home.  Just before we started a whole lab workup, the culture results came back:  Dolly had RSV.  The doctor (who introduced himself by his first name) said he'd seen tons of kids with it.  The only thing we could do was treat the fever to keep her comfortable.  I was glad we took her in and got a diagnosis so we knew what we were dealing with. 

After the ER, Dolly had a good laugh session, a portion of which Cwanza videotaped.  (See the video a little over halfway through Cornyee's post here:  Then we put Dolly down for a nap.  She woke up drenched in sweat and a total mess.   I have to post this series of pictures because she looked - and acted - crazy:

Sunday was shot, given RSV Baby.  We finished our three-day Vicious Gin tournament that night.  Bag Lady won.  I was a big loser.  And I finally, definitely decided that that game is completely a matter of luck.  Hand after hand, I got no "magic" (wild) cards, and I didn't have a chance.  I guess Mamo and Papo would say I must not be living right; the universe sure seemed against me.  It was much fun anyway.   

We left on Monday, infecting everyone on our flight, I'm sure.  I have to say, though - feverish, lethargic Ever was a lot easier to handle on the plane than regular Ever.

It was wonderful to be able to go home.  Next time we'll do more and get sick less!