We were invited to Mark and Pam McEwan's house for Thanksgiving this year, along with Jeremy and Trisha Wilson and their kids (Pam is Trish's mom) and some other family. I asked for a food assignment and was told I could bring my favorite traditional dish or nothing, since all the food was covered. I couldn't go empty-handed, so I made a sweet potato (or yam? - we did some research but still can't tell the difference) dish that Tatum made for one of our Thanksgivings a couple years ago. Of course someone else brought a giant sweet potato dish (since all the food was covered), so Jim and I were the only ones who ate mine. It was delightful, in any event. Dinner was really nice. I can't complain about getting a lovely Thanksgiving meal and not having to make any of it. After dinner, Jeremy played Jeff Buckley's "Hallelujah" on the ukulele, and we sang together, which I'm sure everyone else thoroughly enjoyed.
The Friday after Thanksgiving, Ever and I left for Utah. (Jim had to work.) It wasn't easy hauling Ever, her car seat, our big suitcase (because we don't own a medium-sized one), my backpack, and the stroller around, but I did it. The flight was a snap compared to the one we'd just taken to DC. Mamo and Papo picked us up at the SLC airport. We stopped very briefly at Grandma's place in Orem to pick up leftovers for lunch because Pod was highly concerned that they otherwise wouldn't get eaten, and then we went to the Springville condo so I could put Dolly down for a nap. Rob, Clarice, Cornyee, and Dun Dun came over to hang out. We played pool, and I was mostly really awful. Rob, Pod, and I played a game that Rob won when Pod and I still had all our balls on the table. We had gotten some in but had to take them out because we kept scratching. Pretty amazing. Clarice was mostly bored because she had come over to see Ever, but Ever was napping the whole time.
We met Anna and the kids at Café Rio for dinner, which was delicious. Then Mamo and Papo went to pick up some things for Grandma and take them to her while the rest of us hung out at the Taylors'.
Lizzie (Anna's niece) entertained Ever downstairs while the other kids went with Dustin to play night games at Kiwanis Park. Apparently they had an amazing time. Dustin's really vying for the "Favorite Uncle" title. After Grandma's, Mamo and Pod picked up Ever and me, and we headed back to Springville so Dolly could go to bed. Bags and Dun Dun came later.
Saturday morning we tried a new breakfast place in Orem - Joe's Café. The owner's adorable little daughters took orders, served food, and won our hearts. Then Pod had a brief visit with Normie while Mamo, Cornyee, Dun Dun, Ever, and I went to Bridal Veil Falls.
Ever had the time of her life feeding the fish in the pond below the Falls, with Dun Dun's assistance.
Bags and Dun Dun posed with Deanie:
That afternoon/evening was Court and Dun Dun's reception at Thanksgiving Point. Dustin's family had everything set up by the time we got there, and it was lovely. Some old friends of Mamo and Papo came, along with Liz and Alan, Normie, Elsie (Mayo was sick), Julie and Rob, Emily and Jeremy Curfew, some Taylors, a few people I had met once or twice before, and lots and lots of people I didn't know.
The food (pulled pork sandwiches and desserts) was really good. Unfortunately we ran out of pulled pork sandwiches at the tail end of the party - before the newlyweds got to have any.
Jill and Jayna tried to set up the candy table as much like the DC party as possible:
I tried to curl my hair with a flat iron after a very brief tutorial by Bags, so I was feeling pretty fancy. It doesn't look too amazing in these pictures, although it looks a lot better than it did when I tried to do again after I got home.
Sisterhood (sans traveling pants):
Court with Lu, Ever, and Clara:
Bags gave me her camera and asked me to take some pictures. I figured she wouldn't mind that I spent the beginning little while trying to get a good one of Dolly girl:
Then I mostly took a zillion faraway pictures of the line. I knew that was a bad idea, but I didn't want to go up to random tables and get closer-ups of strangers.
Rob, Anna, Rob (Lee), Andrew, Julie, Elsie, and Grandma:
Grandma, Lucy, and I:
Another Hastings shot, this time with Liz and Alan:
Toward the end, the parents (minus Mamo, who claimed she would've gotten too emotional) said nice things, and then Dustin and Courtney said nice things:
It was fun to see family. I especially enjoyed chatting with Emily and Jeremy Curfew since I never get to see them. I wish they lived in Oceanside so we could be friends. At the end, somebody took Ever outside to feed reindeer that were right there at Thanksgiving Point next to our building. I never saw them, but Dolly talked about feeding fish (at Bridal Veil Falls) and reindeer for a while after the trip. Apparently it was a highlight.
Sunday morning we went for a walk up Hobble Creek Canyon. Bridal Veil Falls had been freezing, so we put on as many clothes as possible this time and were glad about it.
Cornyee (looking stylish in Dustin's big flannel), Dustin, Pod, and Mamo:
Dolly and I substituted in for Cornyee:
I put my beanie on Chavalyn, and it fit amazingly well. She did more of her crazy posing:
Dun Dun and Pod had some serious bonding time. I hope there wasn't too much politics talk:
We crossed a bridge and saw a bunch of pumpkins in the stream. It was like a pumpkin graveyard. The camera couldn't really capture them all, but there are small whitish ones and a big orange one in the foreground and then about five more orange ones downriver:
Little Miss can only be contained in her stroller so long. Then she must run free:
It was nice to have others around to shepherd her and help her push the stroller:
She loved the leaves along the side of the road. It was hard to tear her away from them.
We saw a dead deer on the way back, so that was exciting. Chava was really tuckered out and started losing her mind toward the end. Finally she fell asleep while I was holding her. She's too heavy for me to carry very long, so I passed her off to Dun Dun. He carried her the rest of the way and said he didn't mind. Bags pushed the empty stroller. I felt spoiled.
Back at the ranch, Chava gave me good snuggles. I felt like we really loved each other on this trip. She seemed to ramp up the cuddliness.
We went to sacrament meeting at Liz and Alan's ward. Mamo and Papo stayed for all three meetings and enjoyed a Sunday School lesson by Alan. I took Ever back to nap. She slept until the time we were supposed to be at Liz and Alan's for dinner. We had a lovely dinner and visit with Liz and Alan, Andrew, and Amy and her family. Ever enjoyed the new toys and gravitated toward the bags, of course:
Bag Lady and Dustin had to rush off to the airport right after dinner. The rest of us had some really interesting post-dinner conversation. We had to tear ourselves away so we could fit in a visit with Grandma that night. I was sad to cut our Hoffman time short. We went back to the condo so I could put Ever to bed, and then Mamo stayed with her while Pod and I had a nice visit with Normie. Again, just wish we had a little more time.
We flew out Monday morning. When we arrived in San Diego, we watched from our seats as the luggage was unloaded. This is how the conversation went:
Dolly: "That's our suitcase!" [She said this about every black suitcase.]
Me: "Really?"
Dolly: "Nope."
Dolly: "That's our suitcase!"
Me: "Is it?"
Dolly: "Nope."
And so on. Pretty funny.
I was so glad we were able to take the trip. It was nice to see family and join in the celebration of Coco and Dun Dun one more time. Mamo and Papo were probably a little relieved when it was all over because they could stop listening to my John Denver Biggest Hits CD. They were sports and played it in the rental car the whole time we were there, much to Dolly's delight.